Starting in peat Pellets

I just planted ten seeds in peat pellets, in a window greeenhouse. Gas anyone got any tips or tricks, or any useful info about using prat pellets and transplanting a plant in a peat pellet?


Well-Known Member
Just make sure you keep them warm, they don't transmit heat as well as some other mediums. With those it's easy to keep them too wet or too dry, as well - just be careful - you want a happy medium - moist, but not dripping wet.

As for transplanting - there are really no tricks. Once your baby has sprouted in that thing, you treat it as if it were part of the root of the plant. Some folks peel off the net before planting, I never have. Up to you.


Well-Known Member
keep them in dark if u want, but if they are in peats, they can't get light anyway. i keep mine in my clone room, just cause it's warm in there.


I have the exact same thing. The only thing you need to watch out for is white fuzzy mold that sometimes pops up if it's too wet. Just use a small dash of Cinnamon if that happens. And don't water them at all for the first week after you puff up the pellets....


Well-Known Member
do you know if i should keep them in the dark or put them in light?
You're gonna want to keep a light on them all the time. Like DoeEyed said, the Peat pellets can get to extremes quick if you don't keep an eye on them. They dry out quick, they get soaked quick, and if you don't keep a light on them, they'll drop to room temperature quick. Germinating seeds like to be kept warm and damp. 70-72 degrees is normal room temps, and not warm enough. You want them around 80-85 degrees and they'll germ quick for ya.