Starting inside and moving to outside



If i start my plants now and get them all ready to take outside with a couple of weeks of vegging already in progress with the lights being on at 18/6 will they automatically start to flower as soon as they go outside? or would they veg until the light is correct? I'm in Ohio so they would not go out till about May but im trying to get a earlier harvest to avoid hunters finding my grow.


Well-Known Member
they will flower and then re-veg. then they will flower and finish as normal. im not sure how far along, but if you flower indoors for awhile and then move outdoors, they will continue to flower. why not do some auto's or like a 60 day wonder?


Well-Known Member
If you put them out in May they will continue to veg until late July or early August depending on the strain. Outdoor plant generally don't finish until late September or early October. If you want something that finishes sooner you can try autos but the yield will be pretty small unless you plant a lot of them. Most autos will start flowering in about 3 weeks on an 20/4 or 18/6 light schedule and generally finish 8-10 weeks from the time you plant them. If you start them indoors for a few weeks around mid April and take them out after the last frost you can expect bud by early July if all goes well.