Starting later to finish better


Active Member
If I purposefully start my photo plant outdoors (in ground not potted) later so there's less veg growth, is there a chance it finishes "better"? I'm in New England so I'm factoring in late season weather and the decisions to chop early to avoid heavy bud rot losses versus rolling the dice and hoping for the best.. etc. Do smaller plants finish faster than larger plants in general (of the same genetics)?
We end up chopping early alot because of those problems but I don’t ever plan to chop early or why bother its a gamble win some lose some but not f your gonna cash out before the games over imo its not worth it
mid to late may is the earliest ive ever gotten any out weather wise fwiw but don’t grow autos
I can’t think of any reason to start in-ground; animals, cold soil, but i do like finishing inground and of course you can’t beat new england sunshine, just need copper fungicide or good genes. Small pots make small plants for the most part.
Ime you need fungicide and good genes lol kero you cut the copper off in flower ? I thought copper fungicides were bad idea on mj? Ive used it in veg garden before works great but reluctant to spray my girls
Ime you need fungicide and good genes lol kero you cut the copper off in flower ? I thought copper fungicides were bad idea on mj? Ive used it in veg garden before works great but reluctant to spray my girls
Nothing in flower other than btk, and a good wash at the end.