Starting my first grow tonight with Afrodite clone

So I'm using a #8 pot, have some Kelloggs Patio Plus Premium Outdoor Potting Mix, Two 42-watt cfls in a clamp fixture to start, going to be running the cfl's about an inch or two away from the plant and adding more lights when it get's big. I plan on letting the plant grow about 2.5-3 ft before changing from 18-24 hr light per day to 12/12 per day.

I did get some Kellogg Tomato, Veggie, and Herb fertilizer (4-6-3) but from the looks of some of the ingredients in the soil I may not need to use this. How does all this sound?


Well-Known Member
I don't reccommend vegging for that long unless you plan on upgrading to an HID. You'll find that the plant will double to triple in size when switched to flowering. If you plan on using cfls the whole run, just veg for a month and do some LST or topping to get maximum light distribution. What nutes do you plan on using?

Edit: Just reread your post. those nutes sound good for flowering, but you might want to get something a little higher in N for veg.

or not.
Perhaps, I'm tryin to get everything local. I think the plant will grow fine with just water for the most part, any tips on how to distribute this fert to not kill my plant? I'm new to this, so I'm planning on mainly using water and letting the light and water do it's course with the grow. Was hoping to get the plant roughly 4-5 ft perhaps so I figured veg to 2-3 ft but I could be wrong.

I don't know much about trimming the top leaf so it branches out those as this is my first grow.
Thanks for the input, I appreciate it


Well-Known Member
Search the forum for how to top. Youtube if you're a visual learner. Also what are the ingredients in your soil?


Active Member
Few basic tips: Learn to FIM, loads of how-to threads on this forum. Dont feed it any nutes for several weeks at least. Grow the plant to 1/3 of the desired harvest height, then switch to 12/12. Perlite in your soil increases growth rates by a huge amount. you're using CFL's so growing tall plants is out of the question due to the lumen droppoff rate of CFL's. You should FIM and SCROG to create a canopy so you can position the CFL's close to a much higher % of the leaves. This makes CFL's VASTLY more effective!