Starting plants indoor help please


Well-Known Member
Hello yall I've got another question I'd love some feedback on. So I'm planning a big outdoor grow and I have had my clones vegging already for about two weeks. Since there is not enough daylight I have been putting a light above them when the sun goes down to add a few more hours and keep them vegging. My question is, how many more hours should I be adding after the sun goes down? I plan on cutting out the light when the grow season starts in May so should I just add 3 or 4 more hours so it's not too dramatic of a drop when I take the lights out? Thanks much for any input


Well-Known Member
run them 16/8 and [I don't know what your weather is like] set the out after the equinox....They may sputter some pre-flowers, but I can't see them going into "hard" flowering until July/Aug


Well-Known Member
I like to keep plants on 18/6 until the summer solstice in June (longest day of the year), then turn off the lights & let nature take it's course...good luck


Well-Known Member
Go 18 hours from sunrise to get your time frame. Step it back slowly to match the time when you want to put them out, takes me about a week. So right now it would be lights on at 5 until 10 maybe. I shoot for going outside in the first week of june, but have had success with the third week of may, I'm sure different strains are more sensitive.


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys for all the great info. So it sounds like you all are recommending that I keep veg a little longer than I planned . I'm in northern cal , weather is good , I usually plant outdoors around 4/20 so I think that in April the hours is only supposed to be around 13.5 hours a day according to . Do you guys think if I veg at 16/8 right now till April and then switch to 13.5 I will stay in veg? Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys for all the great info. So it sounds like you all are recommending that I keep veg a little longer than I planned . I'm in northern cal , weather is good , I usually plant outdoors around 4/20 so I think that in April the hours is only supposed to be around 13.5 hours a day according to . Do you guys think if I veg at 16/8 right now till April and then switch to 13.5 I will stay in veg? Thanks guys
not likely, most strains will flower...

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Thank you guys for all the great info. So it sounds like you all are recommending that I keep veg a little longer than I planned . I'm in northern cal , weather is good , I usually plant outdoors around 4/20 so I think that in April the hours is only supposed to be around 13.5 hours a day according to . Do you guys think if I veg at 16/8 right now till April and then switch to 13.5 I will stay in veg? Thanks guys
Nor Cal; 18/6 lighting and plant middle of May.


Well-Known Member
I think in May the daylight will be about 14.5 hours, do you guys think that if I switch from 18/6 to 14.5 will they keep veg?