Starting seedlings question

Hey guys, the place I plan to start my seedlings does not have access to electricity so I cannot use artificial light to get my seedlings started. My question is, will my seedlings work out just in a windowsill with natural sunlight? I want to get them about 6" or so before I transplant outside, will this work using this method of the windowsill/natural light? I do plan to harden to plants overtime, taking them outside every few days, increasing the time over time. Will this work out for me?


Well-Known Member
The dome is good right at first, the humidity promotes root development. And i make sure to kinda ease them out of the 100% humidity enviroment they're in while under a dome by cracking it a little bit at a time before just removing the dome. If u r growing outside and dont have to worry about strech then the window sill should work it did for me but one of my plants in particular had more than a foot of bare stem at the bottom of it when mature.
The dome is good right at first, the humidity promotes root development. And i make sure to kinda ease them out of the 100% humidity enviroment they're in while under a dome by cracking it a little bit at a time before just removing the dome. If u r growing outside and dont have to worry about strech then the window sill should work it did for me but one of my plants in particular had more than a foot of bare stem at the bottom of it when mature.
Awesome, that's kinda what I planned to do using the dome. Might do a little experiment, 3 with dome, 3 without.


New Member
when are you thinking of starting your plants ? as im in the uk and there is only around 12 hours of sunlight just now i am also doing my first grow and wanted to start them off on my windowsill but they need atleast 16 hours in veg state :)