Starting seeds outdoors in the Pacific NW


Active Member
Is it too late to start some seeds outdoors in the pacific NW and have them finish before first frost? I know they probably won't get very big but as long as they finish thats ok. I have a batch of autos outdoors and when they finish up mid august I want to have some photos going to flower naturually


Well-Known Member
Its about 3-4 months for a photo to finish and thats at minimum vegging time. I think your about a month behind for it to finish properly. Who knows though as you know Oregon has some wierd seasons. I believe that most outdoor growers are prob already in pre-flower by now.


Active Member
You are probably right. They won't finish right. I forgot to mention I have 6 photo's outdoors along with my autos and they aren't preflowering yet. Should they be ? They are 5 weeks from sprout and ive super cropped and topped them to keep them bushy. I go out on the deck where my plants are at night to water my autos and they might be getting a bit of light from a cfl in my kitchen when I have the door open. But it's only for 30 minutes max per night and its not even a direct light.. that wouldn't effect it would it? I had planned on stopping this behavior when the light hours were right to induce flowering
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Well-Known Member
You are probably right. They won't finish right. I forgot to mention I have 6 photo's outdoors along with my autos and they aren't preflowering yet. Should they be ? They are 5 weeks from sprout and ive super cropped and topped them to keep them bushy. I go out on the deck where my plants are at night to water my autos and they might be getting a bit of light from a cfl in my kitchen when I have the door open. But it's only for 30 minutes max per night and its not even a direct light.. that wouldn't effect it would it? I had planned on stopping this behavior when the light hours were right to induce flowering
It depends on the strain but it could be a little early. As for the dark period for cannabis i believe that exposing them to light/light leaks can delay flowering and cause them to reveg if done all the time. Even cause hermies i believe. I try to not disturb my plants to unnecessary light during thier dark period but sometimes its unavoidable.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be too concerned. They probably won't produce OZs, but they'll prob do alright. I am in NorCal, on the coast... very similar weather (foggy/cloudy/cold)... and though I've been growing indoors (using cfls for light) it's in a garage and the temp/humidity are the same as ambient (50s-60s)... I vegged or six weeks and am flowering for six (in 4th now) and plants are doing well... I also LSTd and topped early... plants are around 16" wide and 24" tall, with 6-8 tops each, in 3 gal pots... I just chopped the smallest plant (about half the size of the others) early and got about 3/8s of an OZ dry. The rest look to be carrying twice that right now.

So long as you have a clear spot where they get sun all day, you are basically looking at about 8 weeks veg time before the nights get longer an your photos go to flower... I would consider a hoop house or other covering to keep temps up depending on your particular environment... and keep your expectations low. Better than no bud at all though, or paying or it :-P.

As for your light leak... wouldn't worry about that either... in veg it's not important at all... in flower... well they're really not THAT sensitive... consider the full moon... preventing light leaks during the dark period absolutely improves growth, but having a bit of light here and there, or occasionally, will not prevent flowering... so long as it's not intense light... if you do a hoop house or something you could always use a tarp or other material to cover them at night once they go into flower.

I stressed the heck out of my plants due to my environment and not having a real grow space... and I did find one very immature seed in the stuff I got from the one plant... but since I am not seeing any actual hermies, I think it was just a fluke.
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