Starting to bud nice


Well-Known Member
Just wondering with so much foliage, should I be trimming these girls, this is my first DWC so have some patience with me, image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg
I'm one who generally hates to defoli unless leaves are either overlapping, or directly blocking light to a budsite. If it is blocking light to say, a small popcorn budsite, I'll usually just remove the popcorn budsite and leave the leaf. It's also totally acceptable to tuck and bend the leaf in a way that lets light in and doesn't block light to another bud. I would defoli her some, but I would be very careful not to overdo it. I find that plants handle trimming best when you only remove 2-4 leaves a day, everyday until I am happy with the amount of penetration I'm getting. Doing trimming in large spurts of heavy defoliation seems to make them want to stand still for a couple days.
I'm one who generally hates to defoli unless leaves are either overlapping, or directly blocking light to a budsite. If it is blocking light to say, a small popcorn budsite, I'll usually just remove the popcorn budsite and leave the leaf. It's also totally acceptable to tuck and bend the leaf in a way that lets light in and doesn't block light to another bud. I would defoli her some, but I would be very careful not to overdo it. I find that plants handle trimming best when you only remove 2-4 leaves a day, everyday until I am happy with the amount of penetration I'm getting. Doing trimming in large spurts of heavy defoliation seems to make them want to stand still for a couple days.
Well I’ve been tucking, hiding and moving to expose flowers, but I did trim handful for impossible tasks