starting to think?


yea, the lack of support from experienced growers helping new growers with problems i`mean ask yourself this if your a first time grower and there is something bad wrong with your plant,you research and research and do everything you can think of on your own but just cant figure it out,then you find a web site thats suppose to help with problems yet you get passed over and over would you not get alittle frustraited well its just like that over there and looks like it is here to but i`am new here so i geuss i`ll give it alittle more time.


bud bootlegger
yah, i have to admit that i was very lucky when i came to this site to ask a few very knowledgeable people the right questions and have made great friends with a few of them as well.. but i would have been totally turned off to the whole growing thing possibly if i would have only been met by people telling me to read the faqs or telling me that i posted in the wrong section.. that one really kills me.. who the hell cares if someone posted a ? in the wrong section.. they are only looking for help man.. if you took the time to respond to a thread and only have you posted this in the wrong section, your a pretty sad case imho..
take your time here on riu m8.. although there are a few very childish people on the site who seem to be only looking for an efight, there are also a ton of very knowledgeable people here who are more than willing to help out a newb.. one who has always stood out to me on this site is dark destruction.. he really seems to care about people and growing in general and always has a ton of useful info in his posts.. there are a lot of others on this site like dd as well, but he is the one who came to mind first..


well i`am trying to be patient but i`am running out of time my plants keep getting worse i have tried everything i can think of and quit a few from goggle and have read every thread on rollitup no definate answers just a lot of speculation,i had to start budding today beacuse of height restrictions but this plant wont make it long without help from someone who knows for a fact what my problem is and can tell me the steps to go about fixing it,i started a thread on here earlier and got one post asking me if i had bugs and i answered but nothing else and my thread has just about moved beyond the point where people ignore it so i`am desperate at this point so if anyone can help please do so.what i realy cant understand is if everyone would just take five min to think what the world would be like if more and more people knew how to grow.THEY CANT STOP US ALL.but if the knowledge isnt there for us then how can we learn.


bud bootlegger
hey sorry to hear about your plants m8.. crap, i don't know if you can pm people on here yet.. i think you need a certain amount of posts first.. maybe ten? if so, make up a few dumb posts in this thread to get your count up some, well enough so that you can pm people.. once your able to pm, i would pm either a person on here called pipe dream or mind melted and tell them racerboy sent them their way for some help.. they are both very knowledgeable people who have helped me a ton in the past..
im not the best at diagnosing plant problems yet or i would ask to see your pix myself, but i would rather point you in the right direction instead of giving you some faulty info that could potentially harm your plants further..