Stay away from vivosun!

So after using AC infinity and vivio sun both together for years, I'd say that Vivio Sun is great for all things not electronic, AC Infinity kills it for all things electronic.....
I just buy from this guy on Ebay. The tents are super rugged and thick, the zipper gets caught sometimes on those flaps that cover the zipper from the inside to prevent light leaks through the zipper, its not a big deal just need to zip and unzip carefully thats all. Super cheap and decent quality. Cant beat under $140 for a 5x10. Over the years Ive owned a few different brand tents and I must say that I didnt see too much of a difference between a high priced name brand vs a chinese no name tent.

Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 06-42-32 120 x60 x80 Grow Tent Hydroponic Window Floor Tray Indoor Pl...png