Stealth first grow lighting questions


I have the Stealth system, and 5 week old California Dream feminized seeds.
I am using 2 four foot flourescents with a warm and cool in each (4 bulbs total). They are low wattage (40 or 50). this may be keeping the growth slow.
I have a 600W HPS light ready to roll, but I heard that during the veg state, flourescents are OK. Is this true? They are sure more energy efficient and I live in one of the highest electric rate places in the US (and also the hottest-the desert).
Also, if I were to go to the HPS light for 18/6 until they are (15-20" tall?) and then go to 12/12, is that OK? I also heard that HPS is better for flowering, not so much for budding. Am I best just to stay w/ the floro until I'm ready to flower them?
I'd appreciate any help at all.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
hey jamie0 the fluoros are good for veg. for the first 2 to 3 weeks. there is no sence in using high wattage lights this early on due to the plant is so small still. after 3 or 4 weeks and the plant are really growing fast, use the 600 hps and veg. at 18/6 until the height you want. remember that the plants will double or triple in size once you switch to 12/12.
flowering and budding is the same thing. most people prefer HPS for flowering, but MH will work. some like to use both HPS and MH.