stealth grow lighting


New Member
Hi. I'm putting the finishing touches to a guitar amp stealth box. It's just the lighting. The box is small. About 1.5ft tall and 3 wide. I'm going to grow bubblelicious as its supposed to grow really short. I need cheap and small lights set up in a way to grow it short and bushy. I found some dual spectrum cfl tubes which are small and cheap. They say that they work through the whole grow and don't need changing. If this is true it's ideal as I'm a newbie. So simple is good. They range from 250w to 1000w. If I understand correctly I need one on top and at the sides for bushyness. So how does 1 250w on top and 1 either side sound? Too much wattage? Not enough? Any ideas would be great. Thanks.

Ps what's an Op cfl? Someone told me about it in a previous reply. No idea what Op stands for.


Active Member
That box is fine to grow in but remember some factors you will have to account for.
1. heat (ull need fans to exchange air thru the grow box, pc fans work great)
2. smell (you'll need something to remove the smell, u can use cut-to-fit carbon sheets)
3. lights (cfls or t5 if you dont have ALOT of money, if money aint a problem then get led)
4. grow method (are you gonna use hydro, soil, or aero? if space is a problem you can use hydro. Get a rubbermaid container that is short but yet long and wide to cover the floor of ur grow space)