Stealth Grow-started on my window - bedroom - 2x20w + 23w +more to come - <<female>>


Well-Known Member
hello weed lovers.... this is my first grow apart from a falied pc case, but that plant got burnt :( this time,, i love it,,. i started the plant from bagseed on the 7th june 09, and ive been growing it on my window sill from the start, i cant believe how good it has gotten on my window...ive been LSTing from maybe the 4th node. for next time i have some blue cheese seeds, i cant wait to start one of them. i just wanna try and grow some nice weed, not contaminated with any chemicals. i think the LSt process worked perfect for my first time. i think the plant looks great for growing on my window in a lunchbox. i have a 80mm pc fan at the top extracting the warm air along with another 80mm fan circulating air around the top of the plant, at the bottom i have made a hole for air intake but i just havent wired a third 80mm fan to it yet but i will in the next 24hours...hopefully

plant Sprouted 7th june 2009
grew on windowsill till>>>
19th September
put plant in dresser and set to 12/12 to flower 19th

the total size of the box is 21" high and 13"x13" wide and deep.

im currently using 2x20w and a 23w cfl's. i made reflectors out of old deodorant tins and gas canisters to make the most of what i have. i also have 2x11w cfl's of a different spectrum in a homemade reflector but havent got space to put it in yet but after this grow im going to double my grow space and use both sides, lol with hope...i just love the whole process of watching em grow older, puts a tear in my eye :)



Active Member
Man looks like a nice little set-up, similar to which im trying to set up as we speak :D

What strain you using ? and nutes, soil and that?

Your plant looks very nice


Well-Known Member
im going organic, well im going to be adding little bits of maple syrup to my water, i only started doing this wen i started to flower on the 19th, i couldnt find any molasses in the uk, so im trying maple syrup, hopefully it helps, just aslong as it doesnt do any damage. i dont know what strain it is, i just remember it came from good weed, but for next time i have blue cheese seeds, and i cant wait to see them grow..... the soil im using was originally for tomatoes i think, i got it at Band Q along time ago... but it worked great on my mates CFL grow..
i will add more pics later with the intake fan and i added tinfoil to 1 side so far...


Well-Known Member
What makes you think that maple syrup will work? Lol just because it is a similar consistency to molasses? Don't use maple syrup it is not going to benefit your plant.


Well-Known Member
lol i done about an hours worth of reading and some ppl said it is basically the UK alternative, well a bit different, how would golden syrup do? lol


Well-Known Member
If you can't get molasses go to a health food store and get some sucanat, it is short for sugar cane natural. I would use that before using any syrups. If you can't find sucanat order a bottle of technaflora's sugar daddy, botanicare's sweet, or botanicare's cal-mag +. Those four alternatives will work much better than and syrups


Well-Known Member
Maybe paint the walls white or add mylar/ black and white poly plastic to improve reflection. What nutes are you using?


Active Member
Good info's, Tom.

Cameron, darned nice setup! Looks excellent, that's worth a +rep for sure. There are also some other alternatives to buying pre-made nutes.. I'm with you, I want to add nutrition to the soil, but I prefer not to buy stuff.. I just don't want the "industrialized" feel, I guess. Call me a naturalist.. :D Do you have access to any large herbivore fields, like cows, horses, or heck, rabbits or chickens? Their manure is excellently high in Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorous, the big three nute elements. Also, it's straight up peculiar, but our piss is also extremely rich in those three elements, and isn't harmful to you or the plant, and doesn't effect the plant or its bud negatively at all (just to dispell all the common misconceptions..). Weird, but works very well. However you find the nutes, they definitely do help your yield and the quality of your bud. Again, seriously nice setup! It's nice and organized, and the plant looks gorgeous!


Well-Known Member
thanks, i probably could get manure of some sort, id agree with u and say im more of a naturalist. how would i go about applying the manure to an already potted plant. thanks and ill tell my plant u love her!


Well-Known Member
You can get bone and blood meal from lowes and make a tea to feed your plants. If you don't want to make a tea you can just use it as a top dressing


Well-Known Member
lol im a coffee drinker :) whats a top dressing, lol
A tea is where you add the powdered bone or blood meal, worm castings, bat guano whatever organic powder to a container with a certain amount of water (so many gallons) and add an airstone connected to an air pump to bubble the mixture. It will dissolve the powders and make it like a tea. That works much better than a top dressing (when you add the powder to the top of the soil and water over it). The only problem with this is that it causes pH fluctuations and takes much longer to be broken down than if it were in a tea. Just a thought man


Well-Known Member
I saw that you said you want to get a 70 watt HPS but was concerned about heat. If you have 70 watts of CFL and 70 watts of HPS it will be the same temps, it is about the wattage. I would def suggest hooking up a 70 watter in there


Well-Known Member


Hey, thanks for leaving a post in my thread, now its my turn =) Your plants look very nice! Though I have a suggestion for you, you should try to surround your plant with lights rather than having the lights so far up and only concentrated on the top of your plant, to maximize during flowering you should try to surround your lights as close as possible to your plant without touching it. This is what I learned from the book Buds for less by seemorebuds I bought. Oh yeah, SUBSCRIBED =)