

Well-Known Member
Hey fellow rollers! Been planning on a stealth ;) im renting a 500sqft house that my moms fiance bought (who kicked me out for smoking when i lived with them last November. 3 months smoking in the bathroom then i had to move out but this house he bought he ll rent to me on the same property with a separate house where my mom will be. it seems pretty assumed I'm going to be smoking but its out in the middle of nowhere and he was running his business in the house i was kicked from for his business sake but the cLoset may be too small for a 4x2 tent for flower and 2x2 veg should i have the tent with a lock on the zippers by my bed or a diy cabinet ? Doing 400watt hps

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
If your father in law kicked you out for smoking in the house - due to concerns for his business I bet he will shit a brick when he comes onto your grow. If you were to get busted on his property a lot of people will assume it was okay by him... He ain't going to like this at all.

I tried growing in a closet with a couple lights 35 years ago. They failed in no time at all. I was not set up right, didn't have the money to pay the extra electric, etc.

Save your equipment for when you have a place of your own. The last thing you want is trouble with your family and having 2 month old plants ripped out of their pots right before your eyes...

Good luck whatever you decide to do.


Well-Known Member
My mom said he doesn't know what goes on inside his rentals i would figure he wouldn't do any inspections throughout the year I'll be there until i move out considering its a brand new house. I wonder if 6ftx2x6 of 2 tents with a jacket ontop in the corner could be dismissed if j say it's clothes storage. Besides if i had a luggage lock for the zippers and the ducting was hidden and holes beside the wall with boxes around of junk, he would have to look inside it or see a pinhole of light a smell or breeze/ fan nose to be really suspicious and then again him being in my life for like 8 years might make him not feel as urgent to do a thorough inspection or any at all until afterward. My mom is a little clueless sometimes and she would be the only one that would come inside to visit likely but we'll be on the same property and i feel like she'll give me space knowing ill be smoking