Stem too thin? Plant is falling over! Help please!


New Member
My little plant had problems standing up by itself a few days ago. I buried it a little deeper in soil, but I'm afraid that's no permanent solution since it's going to get bigger and maybe fall over again. Now it seems to get better, but I'll let you be the judge of that, do you think my stem is too thin? (pictures down below)

And one other thing i noticed is that it starts tilting into one direction (without falling over), exactly into the direction where most of the light comes from (I got two CFL's on top and one directly at the side of the plant), and because of the one CFL on the side of the plant, it seems to grow into the direction of that CFL. Is that true? Is my plant growing into the direction where most light comes from? Or is my plant just tilting and falling over again?



Well-Known Member
It is what it is man, yes it's kinda thin, is it the end of theworld? No. Keep the top of it two inches away from the lights.

And yes its growing towerds the cfl and stretching to get closer to it. All plants grow towerds their light source to maximize light exposure and they stretch and lean if they are too far away.

Bring it closer if u can, or get more light and just keep at it, it's still alive.


Well-Known Member
Get another pot, cut the bottom put over plant add more soil or whatever ur using till it soil is at base of plant. Simple. This will stabilize plant. And also also for more root sites stem after a while will shot of roots from being wet and dark.