Stem wannabe flower

Yeah im serius bruh, i know thc when i see it this is not hairs, this is none like that, its legit thc building up in the stem, from the part where the plant was topped to the top bud
Thats a stem, it has hairs, they are not glandular trichome structures and do not contain thc. You can tell the difference between the preflower calyx and the stem where they both meet that the stem does not contain the same as the calyx.
You're totally right! Time to chop that thing down and smoke some stems. No! Press it into rosin! Share some pics!
I think im gonna IV it, straight into the vein, but 4 real tho, its actually thc bruh, im not trolling, im gonna get a closer picture later on, of thc in the leaf and thc in the stem.
This one is only on 5 weeks + 1/2 days from seed so don't be telling me its hairy and not thc,thats not the hair structure and the trics are not even close to ready.:wall: not when i've looked it up with the 150x magnifier, legit tric structure
20200603_070831.jpg see? And its defenitly gonna be at least 20% thc, and if you can't let thc in the stem then sorry but you ain't doin nothing in life you gonna learn 2day boi.

But 4 real now since yall are here i got a buddy asking for some tips he has a 60cmx60x140 tent, and he has a photodepedent strain wich he thought was autoflower and has been vegging it for 2 month, so, it is now bigger than his tent, he doesnt want to top it, he can't take it outdoors and he has really bad lights i belive it wont be over 150w in chinese cheap Leds, like that 30€ leds that none of us here would even think of buying as the main light source. I told him to buy at least a phlizon "500w" wich would be a little help if he added it with the rest of the lights, he says he can only spend 25€, and i told him, "broo, buy some autoflowers then, u gotta wait 2 months anyway for that one so just put up some autos bellow that one". He says he dont want it. P.s. he chopped off all of the 4 lower branches and yeah including bud sites.... its his first grow, so i dont have any more ideas, i would be hurting to give up on a 2 month old plant but i mean... its gonna run out of space either way right? Its gorilla mother or mother gorilla whatever its called.
Appreciate advice.
Technically stem hairs would be refered to as non glandular and serve a different purpose to those of glandular thc types although its been a while since i looked at such useless stuff.

Thc trichs form round the bud area and protect the bud, there is no reason for their use on stems and would possibly be a waste of resources.

You splash down here telling us your stems are thick with thc and ive never heard this before. Some stems in the bud but ive a friend who makes hot chocolate with a ton of bud stems and gets barely noticable effects.

I cant make out that tiny picture and your stems seem hairy just not the thc type. In order it has always been bud leaf stem root for percentage thc and would think the last two under a peecent even none for roots.