Stemmy Foxtails


20180524_120853_HDR-1.jpg 20180524_120835_HDR-1.jpg Had foxtails for the first time after upgrading to 1k watt light. Looked cool at first but each little finger that came out was full of stems. Has anyone seen this? None of the other posts about it mentioned all these stems. Can't grind it up; gotta pick it apart by hand. Did an experiment and cut them off as they popped up on one of the plants. The ones i trimmed got stemmy (pics) while the others were just nice buds shaped like fingers lol


Well-Known Member
Definitely bizarre. How were the environmentals during the grow? I suppose some of that may be attributed to genetics.


Well-Known Member
Never seen it like that,
You are saying on the buds you clipped the foxtailing as it started. And those buds got thick stems?

I wonder if by trimming them you redirected growth hormones or something.

Pretty interesting


Bagseed. Floranova Trio. Soilless mix of peat, perlite, vermiculite. Indoor scrog. Ph between 5.6 and 6.4. PPM fluctuated between 1500-2.4k during flowering. Didn't mean for it to get that high.


Never seen it like that,
You are saying on the buds you clipped the foxtailing as it started. And those buds got thick stems?

I wonder if by trimming them you redirected growth hormones or something.

Pretty interesting
Never seen it like that,
You are saying on the buds you clipped the foxtailing as it started. And those buds got thick stems?

I wonder if by trimming them you redirected growth hormones or something.

Pretty interesting
Yes. Didn't cut them off at their bases though, I just snipped about a half inch off the tips thinkin it would slow them down and fatten up the lower parts. Longest ones only got about 3 or 4 inches but were more conical than the tubular fingerlike ones I found in Google searches. The ones i didnt touch, also bagseed from reggie, turned out remarkable.


Well-Known Member
Your heat on the buds got too high. Maybe you needed a fan blowing across the tops, maybe you needed a bigger exaust fan. But id bet 20 bucks thats the reason.


Well-Known Member
What you described is the way people do back budding.
They take just the tip of a bud off and the bud focuses on fattening up instead of long.

In this case you back budded a foxtail.

Now what caused the foxtailing?
Could be genetic.
Or that high ppm.
Or heat.

Silvio Dante

Active Member
I'd point to bag-seed as one potential issue, the Russian Roulette of growing. When you're going to all the effort of growing anyway, I personally think its better to invest in a tried, tested and good quality strain from the off so you have some basic level of expectation in terms of growing challenges and end results. Once you've got one that you really like, you can always take clones.