Stems turning purple


Active Member
So this is my first grow from a bag seed in a closet...

as it is a bag seed, I have no clue what the strain is...white hairs have been coming in for a long time and now basically all of the bud sites are covered in them....

the budding has been going really good and i've been sure that it's a white plant, but now all of a sudden the stems of some of the leaves are turning purple, starting at the top fan leaves...

can somebody tell me what this means and if it gives any clue to the strain???


Well-Known Member
sometimes when it it too cold for the plants it will do this but im not 100% sure about you have pictures?


Active Member
I just got done with my 1st harvest and my plant had developed redish/purple stems, but the plant was healthy. It flowered nicely, and the finished product was amazing. Don't worry about it too much as it seems to be fairly common. There are far greater problems that could arise so consider yourself lucky.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
agreed with cap'n. i have a few different strains growing at the same time, one has purple stems, others are free of it, completely same growing conditions. it's just the strain


hey there fella there are usual a couple of reasons 1- is the cold 2-water stress can do this as well 3- the strain=purple haze yeah baby that is the shit.i have only seen this on outdoor growing with the first 2 examples,hey but if your plant is looking healthy and still growing strong i wouldnt worry that much but if you see change in your plant such as it stops growing or it looks stressed i would look for some solution.PEACE