Step by step drying instructions

Mr Reefer

Active Member
Hi guys

I harvested my first crop of caramelicious about a month ago and think I didn't do such a good job on the drying and curing process.

basically I cut the plants down, trimmed all the leaves away untill the bud looked flush and compact. Then I hung them upside down for a few days in the dark and monitored how dry they were on a daily basis, I then put them in a glass bottle to cure opening the bottle on a daily basis to let it air. I emptied the bud out and repacked it so to shuffle it sround a bit.

Is this ok? Is there any better ways of doing things?


Active Member
I dry for about 5 days.. then put into glass mason jars. I let them breathe twice a day. For about 10 days ... then I can't help myself.. so I start smoking at that pint.. ha


Active Member
what is all this "jar" stuff? Dont you want the moisture and green taste out?

All I do is take off any remaining shade leaves and use scissors to trim the non-sugar coated tips off the remaining leaves then hang the plants for a couple few days with foil under tham to catch the dripping resin (growers only hash). Then, now get this, I use a BRAND NEW paper grocery bag to put the buds in shaking once a day. Used ones are not sterile and could mold your buds. OK so its, 3 days hanging, up to 2 weeks in the bag.

The paper bag does two things
1. Paper is a desiccant and greedily soaks up the moisture.
2. It takes the green chloriphyll taste completely out and "cures" the bud preserving the flavor

I have grown 9' tall afgan hash plants outdoors in pots in florida in the late 70's early 80's in H.S. Getting up to 2lbs off a plant, 15 plants, do the math. A mason jar? I dont think so... anyway thats the way I do it. Is there a more modern way to to cure ganja?

"inna' di mud me ah pick cali bud" :weed:

Tha' Mouse