Step Toward Total Criminalization is the Medical Route


Well-Known Member
As I look into by crystal ball I see more and more sympathy for those to be allowed to use cannabis for medical reasons prescribed and recommended by their doctor with the guidance of state legislation.

It's that last part that worries me. What is going to happen is the same thing with all laws. They start out simple and then they are reformed over and over till John Boehner's eyes swell up. Then the politicians are going to give cannabis right to the people who elect them, big pharma.

Big pharma will then control the market and produce a product that may not even get you high. You'll only get enough or enough strength to sorta strain the pain or whatever ails you. They want you coming back for more and developing complications so they will make sure the side effects are abundant and pronounced at the end of every commercial. It's quite possible it will be synthetic marijuana.

Several states allow people to easily get a medical card by saying it hurts. There is growing opposition for granting people access to MJ who simply have a bad back. Despite MJ's effectiveness at alleviating pain you're not their target audience.

Politicians buy votes with scare tactics and by having an absurd amount of sympathy for those touched by severe disease and or are about to croak. Since big pharma along with monsanto and other organizations set out to poison people have the cancer down to a science and they are the marionettes of the politicians it will be their constituency they will target. Sorry about your chronic stiff neck but keep eating triple sweet corn and popping prozac and some day we may allow you to consume cannabis.

It's all a factory really, a cancer factory. All these corporations work together to use and abuse us. They train us to get cancer and vote for them. It just happens to be most get cancer later in life and are more likely to vote for politicians who will write legislation to make food safer for dead people. So that's their target audience. That will be changing thanks to young people's love affair with brain tumor phones.

Soon everyone will get cannabis but it will be manufactured by big pharma. You wont smoke it. You will take a pill. They wont work just like tylenol and like tylenol will destroy your liver with the synthetic cancer causing compounds they add to the mix.

That is the nightmare of medical marijuana. It's where it's headed. The corporatists like their way but when they lose their way they'll develop a new monopoly. The satanic food giant monsanto is already trying to patent marijuana and force you to use their products just like corn, beets(major sugar source used in most foods) etc.

If my state puts medical marijuana (for cancer patients only and the alike)on the ballot I will vote against it. The legislature decided denying gay marriage was unconstitutional. How then can allowing someone with aids access to marijuana but not someone with a lesser ailment be constitutional? It's not. They also have plans for hand selected dispensaries. Again corporatism. Thanks to the grapeheads at norml pushing a 2008 measure to help stupid kids smoking weed where ever not get in trouble legislation in general faces tough state constitutional hurdles.

Just the same why is it some people want to place special emphasis on those with some debilitating disease such as cancer compared with another? Why is their death more significant? Did they do things to contribute to their own suffering such as consume tons of red meat, smoke cigarettes, etc? Did they have unprotected sex? Sodomy? Even if what ails them was totally pre ordained by genetics it is not constitutional to allow for the freedom of some to be allowed rights not granted to others. I got news for cancer patients, legislators, and anyone else we're all dying! That is more reason to NOT deny anyone's right to liberty and happiness!

In the words of Patrick Henry, "GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH"!