Stepwell -ss

Herb potman

Well-Known Member
Does anyone on here use this soil and can I give me some advice on it ? Like is it a soilless medium like promix hp or sunshine mix 4 or is it a living soil like fox farm ? Fox farm there’s no need to feed for approx 30-40 days Is it same with stepwell -ss ? Is it good for Gaia green products ? Or does anyone reccomend a good organic line Easy and simple please. Thanks all
It’s organic but looks really expensive. There is no such thing as an organic line of 2 part nutrients. There are liquid fertilizers and there are synthetic nutrients; very different animals. SS#4 or promix is easily built up simply by adding in some vermicompost and a fertilizer. Black gold, Kellogg’s, or even nature care can easily be made to work mostly water only. You can amend almost any decent bagged soil to make it “super.”
A small bag of stepwell super soil, 2 packs of fertilizer/amendments and bottled EM1 microbes what they are selling at step well for $95 per starter. You would likely need more than one kit to grow several plants. Gaia green is a line of AN organic soil amendments; you can find everything they sell elsewhere for much less. You seem lazer focused on npk inputs when active compost is actually the most important ingredient.
Why not just get a bag of soil and simply water the plants, transplanting as needed and once they get up to size give nutrients sparingly? That how most noobs start out. If you want to stay organic get something like Neptune’s harvest and give it weekly. You can always give synth nutes if needed down the road.
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