Sterilite ScrOG Cabinet Build


Well-Known Member
Well after my girl has outgrew my rubbermaid grow box, using CFL's, i decided i'm bump it up a notch and build a cabinet. For the time being i'm only going to be using CFL's for the rest of this grow until i can afford either a 150w or 250w HPS.

My intentions are a Completely sealed cabinet from smell, Light, sound and overall wholesome Stealth for this design, as those are shortcomings of my rubbermaid grow. I really like the ScrOG method, as its so interactive and really yields can be very nice done correctly so i'm designing this around adding a scrog during Veg.

Anyway this is the Cabinet.....$50 at Target.

And this is the inside. As you can see there are two shelves, there are 4 possible positions spaced at 6.5" intervals up both sides. More my design, shelves at top, and Bottom. The shelf at the top is to hold all electronics, surge protector, Ballast (when added), timer, Fan, Filter, etc. BELOW The Bottom shelf is for Nute Storage/PH testing/Epsom Salts, etc.

This next picture is my first "conceptual" design, as you can see everything is the same as far as layout goes, the CO2 supplements needs to be resolved for a final spot. (thinking of using tubing to route CO2 into chamber from below or above). Also listed are all dimensions available for use.

But as you can also see the right side was a first idea for making room for a clone, but needed more height, so i cut a area out and raised the shelf. I decided this was the best route of action to keep space for a single clone, as well as unheading the abilities of the ScrOG. The black/Grey material is Duct tape for air seals to keep each section free of unwanted air.

This next picture is a close up of the area above.

And this is what what i've done thus far. As you can see i shelved off the right side, allowing 12" of vertical clearance for a pair of 23w Blue CFL's or a CFL tube. 2" are left below the Pot for a Bowl to sit in, when ScrOG is in place the pot will not be able to be removed, so siphoning out of the bowl will need to be done for drainage water.

I still have alot to do, as is obvious. My intentions now are to finish the walls, 3-4 layers of carpet padding spray glued into the interior recesses. Foam core will then be screwed into the Channeled uprights giving a hard inner shell with sound material behind (Carpet padding), this should give very little fan noise outside if it works as i intend. Over this foam core on all interior surfaces will be a layer of mylar, or windshiled heat reflectors over all of the showing black tape and foam core.

As for my girl for the time being, she's quickly outgrowing my rubbermaid, so as soon as i finish the walls, and output fan up top, then i will be cutting the top part from my rubbermaid grow that houses the lights, and use them for the time being as a hood with Aluminum Ducting between the hood and the output fan at the top.

Will add more pictures as i get things done......hope this can be of use for someone to reproduce if its a good design, and also looking for feedback and new ideas as well. Any suggestions as to a 150w or 250w HPS? And where to find them for the cheapest, Kits are perfectly fine.

Thanks for looking and reading, keep looking back for added pictures etc.
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Well-Known Member
Your box is coming along metal, I'm excited to see how it turns out. Keep us posted with pics of new updates and what not. Good luck

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Tom, just keeping at it.

I've gotten the Left side panel done, the foam core is screwed into the side corner channels for perminence, 3layers of carpet foam under the foam core, and cut the hole for the ducting and cables to go through up top. I'm very excited myself to have something designed and layed out nice, and relatively spacious.

Also got the right side done in the last 20mins or so.

Next added foam core over the carpet foam. Screwed only into the front bracing. When i add the back piece after running wiring down the right side, i will screw the foam bracing seen just inside the foam core sides, so they hold the sides in place as well.

I need to finish insulating the clone chamber right side, below the shelf, and above it, as well as insulation on the back/and left side under the shelf as well as above the shelf when all electronics are added, as the shelf cannot be taken out after everything is added.

Should be updating tommorrow with more pics, thanks again for looking.
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Well-Known Member
Look's great metal, are you using mylar or poly plastic to line the cab?

Tom :joint::peace:

Thanks Tom, just keeping at it.

I've gotten the Left side panel done, the foam core is screwed into the side corner channels for perminence, 3layers of carpet foam under the foam core, and cut the hole for the ducting and cables to go through up top. I'm very excited myself to have something designed and layed out nice, and relatively spacious.

Also got the right side done in the last 20mins or so.

Next added foam core over the carpet foam. Screwed only into the front bracing. When i add the back piece after running wiring down the right side, i will screw the foam bracing seen just inside the foam core sides, so they hold the sides in place as well.

I need to finish insulating the clone chamber right side, below the shelf, and above it, as well as insulation on the back/and left side under the shelf as well as above the shelf when all electronics are added, as the shelf cannot be taken out after everything is added.

Should be updating tommorrow with more pics, thanks again for looking.


Well-Known Member
if you could make that clone area slide out on rollers i think you would be way happy. Lowes sells the hardware to make a slide out for it. be like $30 or so.

when i do my real closet, i hope to make the whole ScrOG slide out like that if i can counterbalance it.


Well-Known Member
i have knocked over a couple of clones trying to reach around them... so now i have to move them all out of the way each time i want in my similarly shaped clone area... fuck up is the mother of invention :D


Well-Known Member
It makes me wish I installed the things necessary to make a slide out shelf. It would make things so much easier. Might consider going out and doing this after i harvest my second crop :blsmoke:

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Slide out shelf will be an addition in the future if i choose to add it, it wont be used for awhile (end of next grow), so i'm only making it for future use. Also short on money, and that $30 will need to go towards the HPS in the future. (just a unneeded cost for "ease of use", i can spend time on that later)

But i do only plan on having 1 single clone at a time, unless a friend wants one or something. So it'll only be working 10% of the time when needed for 1-2week periods then straight into the flower pot/chamber.

How much airflow is needed in a clone chamber, if its using a humidity hood for 100% humidity to root? I'm trying to figure out how to route things for best airflow, VERY small passive intakes for the flower/veg chamber somewhere at the bottom. Output is at the top.

I'm still trying to find mylar, HD and Lowes don't carry it in my areas......idunno what to use besides white paper and the extreemly shiny wrapping paper.


Well-Known Member
I don't think the cloning chamber needs any airflow. Just make sure that the temps in there dont get too high and you will be fine. keep us posted with the updates

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
actually, i disagree on clones totally.

the way i do mine is i cut them in the conventional way (45 degree angle, knock off the lower two leaf nodes) and then scrape the side down at the bottom with my blade to expose the soft stuff inside and then i dip them in water and then the root tone powder... since i am growing in soil, i pop the clones into jiffy plugs. the jiffy's are in those teeny dixie cups to prevent them from being blown dry by the fan i have blowing across them to keep airflow going. i do NOT use a humidity dome anymore at all. i keep the jiffy's moist (NOT wet) and my clones work great. in fact, one i took the other day laid down as soon as i put it in the jiffy (guess i was way too rough with it... i actually thought i finally had an embolism ) but two days later it is standing tall with the rest of them.... as for lights, they are about 10 inches from the leaf tips to the bulbs... which are 3 13 watt CFLs 4 the 4 clones.

back in the day, i used to run a larger op and i dealt with so many clones i just couldnt be bothered to do things right and my way worked, so fuck it. when i got back into growing this time i was trying to do clones "right" and couldnt get them to take for shit. they all kept yellowing up and dropping dead except two... those two became a mother and the next crop that i am flowering now.... anyway, i read Al B Fuct's massive thread on his op and how he does his clones and i realized it was very similar to how i used to do mine with great success.... and there is no doubt that he has a serious clue... so, i tossed my humidity dome and all my "special" clone tricks and have been having great success and no worries with my clones... the only thing that causes my clones any sort of grief is that i have to remember to keep them moist :D

so, to sum up... yes, put a small fan on them... just enough to keep some airflow going and prevent gnats and to keep them in fresh air.... no humidity dome... no close lights... no BS... keep it simple!

one thing i have never used is a heating pad for the roots... i can see from my past experience and my current experience how it would help drastically, but really i think it would just help with speeding them along.... and i dont have the flower space to ever really be in a big hurry for clones. i am usually slowing them down ;)

go read Al's thread on cloning.


Well-Known Member
as for your reflective insides.... man, i HATE mylar. shit is always a pain to find, it screams: I GROW POT! and it sucks to work with.... oh, and it costs money!

white paint is almost as reflective and a lot cheaper and easier to work with so i am a big fan of that... as pointed out in your other thread though, these plastic grows suck to paint.... but i was thinking, you are already putting side panels in and will want to continue that to prevent your cab from glowing when the lights are on... what about that white paneling they make for bathrooms?

easy to find, cheap, easy to cut to fit and attach, clean up is easy and it is a low profile purchase item. you could probably get a 4'x8' sheet of that for under $20 and cut it to size and kill several birds with one stone.


Well-Known Member
Or poly plastic, that stuff works great, is easy to work with, and is cheap. You can find it at any hydro store and while you are there you can pick up some good nutes.

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Just a little update after i got alittle more done.

Finshed lining the walls with foam, and added foam core over it. So Flowering chamber is all but done. I need to find a waterproof white material, thast very cheap and i can find at any store......would a painters woven drop cloth work?

The top/Flower/Clone chamber are all Airlocked with Ducttape on all meetings of plastic/foam.

Next is an upclose of the Clone chamber. As you can see the powerstrip up top, runs down the back inside the foamcore area with the carpet foam, and out the bottom. Will be Smell/Air sealed. I can eithe put an intake fan at the bottom area beside where the power cord comes in. I ran Speaker wire through the area to add the CPU fan later when i remove it from the Rubbermaid Box.

And lastly heres a picture of the top....Surgeprotector on right, Duct opening on the left, for a 4" AC duct to go into the fan, through the carbon filter, and into the ONA scrubber.



Well-Known Member
Alright got a little more done. This is of the fan, 80mm cpu, to vent into the flowering and also add fresh air below the scrog when its added. Is connected with speaker wire.

This is the light trap, havn't tested to see how well it should work, but i can modify it if need be.

And got all walls covered with poster board, i still need to do the top, will do that after i figure up the hood tommorrow and finish the top.

I'm really hoping my girl can have a new home in the next day or two.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, hope it works as planned myself. Things are falling into place, gotta figure out how to finish the front doors though, and a better seal on the door hinge seem. I had the black rubber weatherstripping as seen in the last picture on the hinge part of the door, but it interferred with closing so i removed it. I figure i'll see how it does for light/smell then go from there and just line the front with paper.


Well-Known Member
Well i got it somewhat finished, its up and working but i see problems.....i need better output ventilation, and more headroom for the HPS when i add i'm going to drop the shelf out, with Duct tape, zip ties i should be able to manage all wiring up top along with the surge protector tip tied to the side bracing.

My output at top is on the right side of the rear, so i'll turn the hood around and have the fan at the top, pointing out with a filter in between, and ducting to the hood at the top (as shallow as possible, i may make one out of aluminum/tin.

Anyway here is how it is now, problems....

1) existing scrog on plant is toooo high, and too much foilage for the box as it is......i took a clone to see if i can restart with a viable female.

2)hood is too low for HPS, and temp is high becaues of the small space, and low airflow, steady.

3) Lower temps, Ac went out yesterday had someone come fix it, no problems there with cover really, apt hit 93F, so today it had to get alot lower, cabinet was sitting at 88-90F last i looked before bed.
