Sterilizing Soil?


Active Member
:-? Whats the best way to do this? I need some opinions, i figured i could use some short of Sterilizing spray.


Active Member
Hmm i might just do that harrybud89 but the reason for not buying any is becuase i gota pond in my backyard lol, the soil close to the pond has worms and looks pretty healthy.


Well-Known Member
pond muck, i wouldnt use that, and if you put the soil in the oven, its like boiling it . it kills all the badness and the good too. id buy some.


Active Member
Thanks agian, well a freind came by and we smoked and the bud was pretty damn good. So i figured "hell" ima go germinate these and see what i can do with them. Right now there almost done germinating i got bout 14 hours left till i'll put them in the soil.


Well-Known Member
put some soil1/2 and perlite/vacumate1/4 each or either.. put in a small pot,for now. and put under a lite 24/0 18/6 no less.and watch it grow. how big is the tap root, that comes from the seed?.


Active Member
Well there in a paper towel folded and i placed it in a zipblock bag. The roots are bout an inch and theres bout 2 that is bout a quater an inch. I normally wait until they are bout to pop out the seed. I haven't had any problems using this method yet.