Sticky trap fell on leaf


Well-Known Member
Will this cause a problem 'because it touched a leaf? I got a janky homemade sticky trap holder Used a plastic fork that I kinda just prop up in the dirt


Well-Known Member
I hope it wasn't one of those YELLOW sticky traps ( that always clung to my beard and hair ) ! Regardless , I'd double wrap that " HOT " plant in construction bags, go for a ride with " it " , then when it's not looking , a few miles down the road , grab that " Typhoid Mary " plant and eject it .
( just funning with ya ! Hell , I understand , nervous , anxious about starting out . You are sweating over an extremely trivial matter. These " broads "
are tough as nails ! I've broken big plants in half.....duct tape it and off to the races . Relax stoner dude , if ya take it to serious, you'll fucked it up
and take the fun out of it ! Don't over feed....don't overwater . No such thing as a stupid question.