Still dealing with grey mold on the stems of my plants


Well-Known Member
I grow in a greenhouse near the coast in Northern CA. The problem is I can only get to my plants once a week so I have to fill their water trays full before I leave. The issue is they were doing great then out of nowhere this grey mold starts popping on the stems. I notice because I see a wilted branch and towards the V there is a bunch of mold. I have wiped it off in the past with 90% alc but it seems to be a constant problem here. Suggestions?
Lack of airflow in the green house?

Get something to check the humidity.

Sounds like all that water just sitting there is creating a steamy jungle.

It’s vented but and very large but it seems to me it’s the cold that’s doing it more than anything else
Do you think if I wipe it with alcohol it will kill it?


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It’s at the base which is a bummer as well


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Sorry but that plant is a goner. Botrytis is systemic and you cannot do anything to it on the outside of the plant.
The problem is I can only get to my plants once a week so I have to fill their water trays full before I leave.
The only thing that would stop this from getting worse IMO is to STOP the watering situation, they are drowning frequently. You could apply Eagle 20 but in flower thats no bueno.
Sorry but that plant is a goner. Botrytis is systemic and you cannot do anything to it on the outside of the plant.

I half agree with this. I had one early on that I wiped down with alc and it seemed to go away. I also only fill the trays and never water on top of the soil. But I have been fighting this crap since I got this location. For fun I crossed some land races and would grow out the seed. I would come back a week or two later in winter after the plant was close to harvest to a stick covered in powder and slime. It’s quite heart breaking since the location is far from my home and costs me like $50/week in gas to take care of them
I also only fill the trays and never water on top of the soil.
I suspect this is the source of your frustration. Cannabis roots hate to sit in soaking wet soil, most likely the mold started in the swim pool down below and is now everywhere. You could set up some sort of drip solution on your next go, but I am quite positive you will not want to consume this plant.
Problem is I’m halfway through flower. Do I just abandon them or get some harvest. Kinda discouraging knowing how it can end up turning to moldy shit is a couple days

Get something to read the humidity that has an internal memory. So you can see what’s going on.

Shit to hear but moulds a bastard.

But the good thing is mould can’t grow in low humidity!
Some powdered sulfur might help.... but no matter what your gonna lose at least a few branches if not the whole thing. The branches that you can see rotting off... just cut them right at the base and clean off as much rot as you can with a knife. Rub the exposed part with sulfur powder and around the whole bottom of the plant. Keep an eye and rub more on any more spots if they start to appear. This happened to me once with a super mold prone plant but only on 2 lower branches where they met the stalk (this plant was a magnet and every other strain was fine....but the tent was too moist). I still actually have this’s great but super delicate and prone to everything.
Lost two more big branches on two plants today but I noticed if I wipe down with alcohol it seems to kill the stuff even though you might lose the branch
Ok I pretty much have the shit under control. I used 91% alcohol gloves and a paper towel to wipe it off. If it was bad enough the branch would die but the mold would die from the alcohol.if not it would kill the mold and the branch would survive. This was last weekend. It rained twice this week so who knows what I will come back to