Still droopy after 4 days into veg


My babies are still droopy after 4 days into veg. I'm using happy frog potting soil distilled water 1000w mh bulb have a fan running on low the temp is 70 degrees humidity is low at 40 percent I'm keeping soil moist down low and dry on top..


Active Member
or....depending on how "baby" they are? the roots might be getting burned
what does 4 days into veg mean?
but yeah i have to say or it didn't happen <i borrowed that


Well-Known Member
if its due to transplants shock(did a poor job transplanting)im having that as well as we speak some plants took 3 some 4 and its the 7th day and i have 2 still droopy barely coming along, let them bounce back, if its over watering the leaves will feel heavy, and just back off the feeding, if its underwatering then theyll feel light and getting crispy, then yea keep it moist. or it could be light strees 1000 is tooo much for a lil baby plant if placed really close too the plant like 12-18" keep it 24" then lower it depending how plant is reacting to light


Well-Known Member
yeah bro back up on the lights, put it up another foot, saw some water stains? on the 6th pic , dont mist em when there under the light shut of lights let em dry off then turn back on


Well-Known Member
yeah next time you spray turn of the lights never spray them while there in direct light youll burn em, also back up the light a foot and let the bounce back theyll be ok give em a few days


Alright I backed it up 12 more inches thanks for the help. Also I have them on a 22/2 schedule is that fine


Well-Known Member
yea thats cool i like 27/7 but sometimes to aviod a big bill i do 18/6 or 20/4 but nothing wrong with 22/2