Still Drunk

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
So last night me and my roomate killed a bottle of Jd between us. Im still feeling drunk as shit but in a way i like it.

Whats your guys and gals opinions on waking up drunk?

Do you love it? Or hate it?

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
^ Word see i dont feel like im going to throw up at all. Im stumblin all over my house... Ill let you know how i feel in a few hours haha.


Well-Known Member
I guess it's better than waking up hungover... but, it's just putting of the inevitable (at least in my case - really prone to hangovers).


Well-Known Member
hahahhahaha what time you pass out last night?i like the feeling when you drink a 40 or 2 and pop a shit load of valiums,the next day you wake up you'll feel high as shit all day.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
I dnt know bout being drunk in the mornings... But 2 weeks ago stayed up till 7 drinkin ... It was Kinda weird... Stayed ip for an hour n passed out... Hadn't been drunk in the
mornin... I hate wakin up wit a hangover though who doesn't... Goodtimes tho :-D


Well-Known Member
Yeah i agree with whoever said as long as i got weed to smoke....bud kills hang overs and if still drunk then bud will make ya feel drunker :-)

Total Head

Well-Known Member
usually when i wake up drunk i am hungover at the same time. headache, nausea, spins. i think it sucks. i've had to go to work like that and you just know everyone can smell your booziness. also waking up drunk means there's a good chance you passed out. if you passed out/blacked out there's a good chance you did some things you would not be proud of. just you and your buddy you say?