Still in veg and showing female?

about a month into veg and i think its a she? its not suppose to show sex till you flower tho right? it is from bagseed tho... maybe shitty genetics.

maybe its just new growth but it has been like this for a couple days.
sorry such shitty pics, camera phone...
f3.jpgf2.jpgf 1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Can't really see, but if you see single female flowers with white hairs coming out - it's preflowers whispering the plant's gender to you. They might be very small compared to the true flowers, but if you see tiny hairs you got a female. It's very normal and not a sign of shitty genetics. Be happy ;O)


Active Member
If grown from seed, marijuana plants emit preflowers around the 6-8 week mark..depends on genetics and environmental conditions as to exactly when. Your a bit early to probably see any signs yet, but should be seeing some in the next few weeks.

The pic doesn't show anything to me as far as the plant's sex yet...give it time. You will see two white/yellowish hairs start to protrude from behind the stipule (spurs) that poke out at the plant's internodes. When you see these, this indicates the plant is sexually mature and is female.