stole my crop!


New Member
this year was a great year for my outdoor plants. started them at home in april than moved them to my grow location. had 32 out of 40 that were females. i check the plants every friday giant buds everywhere. planning on harvesting them in a couple more weeks. well i checked them on friday and some cock sucker stole the crop. i'm sick to my stomach over this shit. thought i had a really good spot to grow. i'm thinking maybe a hunter ran across them. or some punk kids. well, maybe better luck next year!


Well-Known Member
this year was a great year for my outdoor plants. started them at home in april than moved them to my grow location. had 32 out of 40 that were females. i check the plants every friday giant buds everywhere. planning on harvesting them in a couple more weeks. well i checked them on friday and some cock sucker stole the crop. i'm sick to my stomach over this shit. thought i had a really good spot to grow. i'm thinking maybe a hunter ran across them. or some punk kids. well, maybe better luck next year!
Sucks man!! They probably knew about your grow for a long time and you never had a chance.


Well-Known Member
That fucking SUCKS! This is one reason i have yet to actually go through with an outdoor grow, there are cock sucking mother fucker ass bitches everywhere on earth... Seriously bummed for you bro.


Well-Known Member
this year was a great year for my outdoor plants. started them at home in april than moved them to my grow location. had 32 out of 40 that were females. i check the plants every friday giant buds everywhere. planning on harvesting them in a couple more weeks. well i checked them on friday and some cock sucker stole the crop. i'm sick to my stomach over this shit. thought i had a really good spot to grow. i'm thinking maybe a hunter ran across them. or some punk kids. well, maybe better luck next year!
Swamps- you don't go bird hunting or small game hunting in the swamp. Most sane people wouldn't think of taking a walk through the swamp.
Next year get a trail cam, you can see whats going on, and a better spot.


Active Member
Don't put all your outdoor eggs in one basket and DO NOT reuse this spot or anything nearby. Weed pirates are diligent searchers.


Well-Known Member
Yea.. I lost my BIG FAT ASS Sour diesel last night too... Fuckin' pricks... at least I have my indoor still but FUCK man.. what a GREAT summer.. NICE and FAT ASS buds on the 49th parallel... FUCK me... :/
I live on private property no trespassing so I grow outdoor usually This is actually my first real indoor grow and I'm a night owl so I catch someone on my property I ask once to identify yourself then notify them of private property no trespassing then your ass gets shot with rock salt next is buck shot lol but I'm so sorry for both of you guerilla growing can Be a bitch trust me I know:)


Well-Known Member
hey man... tough fucking brake. thats the risk u take with Guerrila growing tho man. shit i have it in my back yard and i
still had a ripper in my yard this yr. they only took one of my plants and it was my smallest but still i was sick to my stomach.
next yr instead of 40 in one spot do 10 in 4 spots. that way if 2 patches get taken u still have 2. cuz with 40 shit man i could
follow the scent from like half a mile and find those lol

nothing worse then having ur hard work taken right b4 the payoff. sorry to hear about it man

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Yeah, split them up. Also, try not to visit so much in the future. Sorry for your loss, that sucks hard.


Well-Known Member
That really sucks! I feel for you. Thieves are really getting out of hand, they're actually posioning dogs to steal crops. I know I've been losing sleep over my crop, even though my security is pretty good. I'm starting into my last couple weeks of flowering so yesterday I went out and bought supplies- everything ill need for 2 weeks- I'm not leaving my house. I've worked my ass off this year and had plenty of problems to deal with so I'm not going to sit by and hope nothing happens. I'm on full alert.


Well-Known Member
Sad story man, I feel bad for you.
Thats how people end up hurt. I remember a few years back hunting with a buddy, we walked into a big grow op. There was like a few hundred plants, first thing I did when seeing all the plants is think Oh shit ! then I chambered my rifle and got the fuck out of there 'scary shit'. Me and my friend never touch anything and never told anyone about it felt blessed to be a live after walking into that.


Well-Known Member
You should be able to justifiably kill people for shit like that! You put all your time and energy into it and some cocksucker comes by and steals it. What a fucking rip, man!


Active Member
Weak sauce man, my heart goes out to your and your girls.
Hope the prick cures 'em wrong and gets lung rot...
Split them up next time, like previously suggested better odds with more, smaller sites spread apart.

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Holy sh*t man that is horific. I hope your not rocking in a corner self harming, because that was a rough break.

I wonder how long these little fcuks have been watching your sh*t.

Did they know that it was coming up to harvest time and got in there before you?

Either way you cant use this spot anymore.

And split your shit next time.

I hope you got a little homegrown to console yourself with.

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Holy shit, let some prick poison my dog to get at anything in my yard, see how that works out for him.

That said, some POS did steal a plant from my deck recently. No big loss, but it pissed me off royally. That reminds me, I have 16 shiny new cameras to install around my property...
How the fcuk did they get past your dog Jerry?
Dude I lost a five foot four topp mother I was fucken bummed it was my only geurilla grow female. The pain still hasn't subsided