Stole My Plants.....


So, some unfortunate bastard stole all 14 of my plants. Literally came onto my property and swiped every last one of them, leaving the one dead one. All of my love and care that went into those babies forever lost. Unfortunately for the people that stole them (which are absolutely punk local kids), I have extremely good connections within the "community", so let's just say the hammer will come down especially hard when they blab, which is inevitable.

Anyways, the spot that I had them in wasn't quite ideal as far as the amount of light that they got everyday, so they were growing a little on the slow side. To be honest, they were pretty stunted. My thought is that if I start over now, in a new spot that will receive literally twice the amount of DIRECT sunlight per day that my old plants were, combined with a very good nute program, I will be about in the same place I was before in a week or two. I know it's a little on the late side for a New England outdoor grow, but I have to try for something. I'm not just going to give up and wait until next year.

I'm planning on just treating the soil and planting directly into the ground after the new seedlings acquire their first set of true leaves, so as not to waste time with root shock later on down the line.

How much time/veg have I lost, and how will that translate into lost yeild? I will plan on harvesting right after the first frost, which where I live typically happens halfway through September, leaving me a good 3.5 months for veg and flower, possibly more.

Any comments?
wow bummer i have the exact same problem except someone found my plants and just destroyed them all out of 15 plants i found 3 that were able to survive being burried by the soil they grew in.. all my plants were turned over with the dirt covering them so it obviously wasnt an animal, i live in northern ontario and i am currently germinating another 20 bag seeds to hopefully end up with sum kind of yeild at the end of september.. best of luck i kno i need it! haha


Well-Known Member
ya know that shit is fucked up that is the second story of rippers i read in 20 mins. the other one was in some dudes back yard and the theif was cought an vid. u on the other hand should booby trap around ur area, jsut dont forget were they r. my pops used to use one of those hunter scout cameras, the motion sensored one u post in a tree, like 10 buck on e bay or ike 30 brand new from wal mart. make sure it has nightvision