Well-Known Member
I fully believe in god and that spectacular events took place regarding jesus as depicted in the bible but not as described. Is it wrong not to believe the all of the hypocritical, manipulative words of man in the self indulging societies that control religious media present and past. In eyes of billions I am, I mean how can billions of people live their life in accordance to information that has been adapted and controlled by man.
Live your life the good, honest, religious way that you wish too. Sumarise the information and make honest decisions and be religious according to your own thoughts. I believe that if god is as dipicted and a good pure force he would not punish a honest, true, good person that believes in him and live their life in accordance to what they believe he wants and not believing all of the words of man.
Classic example is a game called chinese whispers, you start with a piece of info this then get passed on, whispering it to one person at a time until it reaches the last person where they say it out loud and more often than not the information will be different to which it started. This is without any alternative motives than to pass on some information free from the corruption of financial gain and power.
I believe in god and jesus I am just stating how odd humans are, things like this always sends me into a stoned trance exploring my head lol.
Haha sounds like a rant its not just a opinion that I have that confuses me kinda makes me look around the ever so serious world and have a wee laugh, lightening the social impact that we cannot control.
I think the majority of people are MAD lol including me.

Live your life the good, honest, religious way that you wish too. Sumarise the information and make honest decisions and be religious according to your own thoughts. I believe that if god is as dipicted and a good pure force he would not punish a honest, true, good person that believes in him and live their life in accordance to what they believe he wants and not believing all of the words of man.
Classic example is a game called chinese whispers, you start with a piece of info this then get passed on, whispering it to one person at a time until it reaches the last person where they say it out loud and more often than not the information will be different to which it started. This is without any alternative motives than to pass on some information free from the corruption of financial gain and power.
I believe in god and jesus I am just stating how odd humans are, things like this always sends me into a stoned trance exploring my head lol.
Haha sounds like a rant its not just a opinion that I have that confuses me kinda makes me look around the ever so serious world and have a wee laugh, lightening the social impact that we cannot control.
I think the majority of people are MAD lol including me.