Stoner Etiquette


Active Member
I downloaded the Harold and Kumar Christmas movie today and I found an extra file in the torrent. This is what it contained:

Stoner Etiquette

1. The person who rolls the joint (no matter whose weed it is) gets to spark up the joint and get first hit.
2. If someone rolls a nice joint, it’s good to give the person a complement on his rolling skills.
3. If someone starts bogarting the bowl and starts using the excuse that it’s okay for him to Bogart it since
it's his weed; this is definitely not cool. The punishment depends on the quality of the weed and how
much he put in. (if it was real crappy and he was real cheap with it, then you bug on the person and rag
on him)
4. If someone is too palsy to light the bowl (due to being too stoned or the person is just a retard) then
they must relinquish control of the lighter to someone more able to get it lit. This does NOT mean the
person who lights gets free hits... this privilege tends to get abused ("hey lemme light it for you.")
5. If someone is so much of a palsy that they blow INTO the pipe/joint and blow all the shit on the floor,
this person must be ragged on and the person can't smoke on the next round (unless it was his stuff)
6. If you smoke with someone in your house, you should let him or her eat some munchies you may have
lying around... don't be cheap with your food, if you have any.
7. If someone who's smoked asks for a sip of your soda, you must give him some, (cotton mouth is not
8. Converse of #7: if you ask for a sip, don't take a large gulp.
9. If smoking from a joint, never put the whole thing in your mouth and get it all sopping wet. It is
disgusting and it messes up the joint.
10. If you’re smoking from a bong and there is not enough in the bowl for a whole other hit, you should
save the smoke in the chamber for the next person. (Don't let go of the rushhold or 'carb' and take it all
11. Never bogart
12. Never bitch about someone else's weed being no good. If you don't like it don't smoke it!
13. If a friend gets you high sometime in the future you need to get that friend high
14. Thou shall not turn down a smoke. Ever!
15. Phrased in the form of a narrative: My buddy and I are sitting around smoking the weed that I just
scored. After flaming-up, and taking a few moderate puffs, I pass it on. The sounds that follow can
only be described as vacuum-like. After a couple of huge, lung-busting tokes, the guy passes back the
remnants of something that could have, at some point, been a joint. If it's not completely "canoed",
then it's absolutely soaked. I not so subtly drop that old Cheech & Chong line "Hey man, can I wring it
out for you?" He just looks at me.
16. I have noticed the following: After smoking-up, the odd "crass-monkey" some people will actually eat
the stained, disgusting roach. This must be because they want that "extra bit" of oil, resin, or whatever
is left on the paper. This situation can be compared to the patron of a good restaurant picking up his "as
good as empty" plate and licking off the remaining morsels of food. Sure he got that little pool of
gravy, but was it really worth it?
17. If you buy weed from a friend or a friend of a friend, it is polite to roll a joint, (a small one, if you
wish) and smoke with the person who sells you the stuff.
18. It is very impolite to hand someone an empty bowl, without notifying that person of its possible
cashed-ness. A proper warning would be 'Here ya go. I think it might be cashed.
19. The person who fills the bowl is given the opportunity to take the first hit. It doesn't matter whose
weed it is.
20. Always remember to thank a person who has gotten you high. I know it sounds silly, but I know
people who never say thanks and it gets a little annoying.
21. The person who brought the bud picks the music.
22. When using a bong, DON'T blow out the ashes, unless that's what the "homeowner" does.
23. NEVER go to someone's house EXPECTING him or her to catch you a buzz. Of course, there are
exceptions to this rule...
24. If you spill the bong, clean it up! (And don't forget to put water back in!)
25. When the roach gets too small, if someone has a problem with it, it is common courtesy here to put the
roach in a bowl and finish it that way. That way the people who don't mind burning their fingers don't
get it all.
26. Thou shall not roll pinners.

LOL!!! :wink:
That's funny, I visualized multiple scenarios from my own experience while reading that list- the oldest was probably 25 years ago when this goofy girl we knew "blew the bowl" in my friend Jeff's parents' driveway. She got skipped and then was given a merciful Mulligan. I remember it vividly, I was wearing checkered Vans :)
27. If you're a lightweight or just can't hang, let everyone know before you start , so that you can leave between a round without fucking up the tint as much.
28. DO NOT fart in a hotbox! This should be common sense yet still people will fart and chuckle while everyone else is dead.
29. Don't get weed unless you have the full amount to buy it. To a dealer, there's nothing worse than a thirsty nigga without enough cash.
30. In continuance of #29, do not borrow money from your friends for weed. Period.
31. Do not promise to smoke some people up then show up with a roach or a pinner. Not cool bro.
32. CAR ETIQUETTE: if you are the driver, respect the passengers. if you are the passenger, respect the car and the driver. Unless you paid a lot on a previous session: if you didn't put in for gas or bring the weed, put in for food. Seriously. You need to contribute something.
33. Don't be a downer.
34: Unless given explicit permission, DO NOT mix some other shit into the bowl.
lol! it's like a reference to cerebral palsy. when dudes get so high they start acting retarded. they can't do things like move or talk.

umm, ok.. i must be hanging out with the wrong crowd as neither me nor any of me friends get all palsy when we smoke.. smh..
umm, ok.. i must be hanging out with the wrong crowd as neither me nor any of me friends get all palsy when we smoke.. smh..
kudos to you bro. in every group i smoke with there's always at least one person who gets palsy around the fourth pass around.
No mention of cornering bowls in times of reserves. It is really annoying when you're smoking in a group and some @-hole torches the whole top of the fresh green bowl taking all the fresh taste to themselves. Argh!

Another I would add but I'm sure will be disputed: Grind your nugs before packing them, it smokes a lot easier and more thoroughly, plus you collect the kief.

Sidebar: I have never smoked with someone who forgot how to use a lighter. Get me some of that! lol
Smoking is a great thing . It brings people together and helps them to bond while they are in a "higher" state of consciousness. However , certain
unspoken social rules do exsist whenever people get together for a good old Ganja sesh, Oftentimes the faux pas of a nebie smoker can unknowingly
ruin everyone else's high. For all you know , you may even be the one doing these annoying things and you don't know! If you suddenly find no one
wants to smoke with you anymore , no worried! ;) Consult you Ganja Etiquette guide and you will be well on your way to developing a certain
modicum of ganja smoking civility.

You may have posted some of these already , but there are some differant one's aswell .

The Social Rules Of Smoking

#1 The person who rolls the joint (no matter whose weed it is) gets to spark up the joint and get first hit.

#2 Proper ganja etiquette will allow each person one full lungful inhalation per turn.
Everyone should get a good hit before they pass it on rotation. The toker is also allowed to finish
the chamber of smoke ( carbed) on a second breath. If a person doesn't get a good amount of smoke in a hit
because of a crashed bowl,they're allowed to smoke first (if going in order) from the new bowl.

#3 Don't pack the bowl after you have packed it twice in a row. Smoking is a group effort.

#4 Don't talk to much. There is nothing that will blow your high faster than someone who will not
stop talking. Especially if they are complaining about their problems and bringing up negative
bullshit. No one wants to hear all that while they are so high they can touch the sky.

#5 Watch your lips and wet mouth. If smoking from a joint/nlunt/pipe/bong whatever ,
never put the whole thing in your mouth and get it all sopping wet. It is disgusting and it messes
up the joint. Getting a blunt/joint/pipe/ whatever that is possibly drenched in salivia after you hit
it is one of the worst things you can possibly do. When other fellow tokers observe this it is a sure
sign of a newbie and also very gross. Don't do it!

#6 If someone rolls a nice joint, it's good to give the person a compliment on his rolling skills.

#7 If someone starts bogarting the bowl and starts using the excuse that it's okay for him
to Bogart it since it's his weed; this is deifinitely not cool. The punishment depends on the quality of the weed
and how much he put in (if it was real crappy and he was real cheap with it, then you bug on the person
and rag on him).
#8 If someone is too palsy to light the bowl (due to being too stones or the person i just a retard) then they must relinquish
control of the lighter to someone more able to get it lit. This does NOT mean the person who lights gets free hits...
This privilege tends to get abused (" hey lemmie light it for you.")

#9 If someone is so much of dipshit that they blow INTO the piper/joint and blow all of the goods on the floor,
this person must be ragged on and the person can't smoke on the next round (unless of course it was his stuff)

#10 If you smoke with someone in your house, you should let him or her eat some tasty munchies you may have lying around...
Always be a good hospitable host; don't be cheap with your food.

#11 share your thirst quenching icy beverages . Outward exposure of this fine indulgence is just to tempting .
If someone who has smoked asks for a sip of your soda , you must give him some (cotton mouth is never fun and always ruins a good time )

#12 The converse of #11 : if you ask for a sip of someone elses fine drink , don't take a large chug .

#13 If your smoking from a bong and there is not enough in the bowl for a whole other hit , you should save the smoke in the chamber for the next person .
(Don't let go of that carb and take it all your self . never a cool thing )

#14 Never Bogart .

#15 Never bitch about someone elses weed being no good . If you don't like it then don't smoke it .

#16 Do not be a vibe killer . If everyone is enjoying the current track , do not get up to change it . Furthermore ; The person who supplied the bud get's to pick the music .

#17 When passing a blunt ALWAYS ash first . There is no worse occurrence over the coarse of a stoner's day than when friends don't ash and they pass the blunt with a ton of ash on the end
of that shit just waiting to fall right off onto your Legalize it T-Shirt .

#18 Do the fuck not ever , Ever turn down a smoke . EVER

#19 Don't cough like you are choking on a steel wool hairball . Everone coughs a little bit and that is ok .
But if your sitting there coughing up a fuckin lung , pass the blunt and go get some water or something .

#20 Do not bring up shitty fucked up topic disscussions , such as self righteous religious fanaticism ,
stupid dramma or fucking poliics . There are certain things you sould and shouldn't talk about while high or stoned .

#21 If you buy weed from a friend or a friend of a friend, it is polite and socially acceptable to roll a joint
(a small one, if you wish), and smoke with the person who sells you the stuff.

#22 It is very impolite to hand someone a empty bowl, without notifying that person of it's possible cashed-ness.
A proper warning would be "Hey here ya go. I think it might be cashed."

#23 Take your hit, let the blunt go and pass it. People are waiting. We can gather round for storytime sure, as
long as the blunt is still in room rotation & you're not animatedly using it as a stage prop to further illustrate your fable.

#24 The person who fills the bowl is given the oppritunity to take the first hit. It doesn't matter whose weed it is.

#25 Don't constantly ask if everyone is high. Yes, we're high. Now shut up!

#26 Always say thank you to the person who so generously got you high. Oftentimes too many people
overlook this assuming it is an unspoken bond, but in reality it just looks tacky.

#27 When using a bong, NEVER blow out the ashes unless that is what the original glass piece owner does.

#28 Never drop in on your comrads expecting someone to catch you a buzz, unless you have been friends for a
very long time. This is a sure fire way to become 'That guy'.

#29 If you spill the bong, actions speak louder then words. Clean it up, constantly apologizing isn't helping-it happened. Be cool about it.
It's fine, As long as it didn't brake. Shit happens, Fuck it, get over it and don't forget to put water back in it!

#30 When the Roach gets to small, If someone has a problem with it,
It is common courtesy here to put the roach in a bowl and finish it in that way.

#31 Don't role pinners

#32 Do not act like you are not high . If you arn't high then why are you over there wasting everyones weed .

#33 / 1 opposite to the latter . Don't ramble on about how stoned you are . Complimenting how dank the kush is , is a great idea .
But it starts to lose it's touch around the 34th time .

#33 / 2 FUCK UP ROTATION . EVER . You have to make sure blunt/bong is in constant motion .
Moving from 1 person to the next , seamlessly . Do not cause pandemonium and stress amongst the inner circle .

#34 If a friend gets you high sometime in the future - your priorities have just shifted ; you need to get that friend high

#35 Don't mess up the dutch. Learning how to twist up a blunt is something that you should research and practice on your own
time. If you have big groups and you attempt to twist up but you mess up the blunt, That's a big fail.
If you aren't confident with how to twist up, Then just don't do it.

#36 Always bring an extra lighter, a full one

#37 Never steal/forget it was in your pocket/lose lighters. We may be stoned but we all know you had it last.

#38 The bong *and* lighter should be smoothly passed onto the next stoner. The next Verteran stoner will be extinguish the bowl so that no bud is wasted for the
next person.

#39/1 A wise bowl-packer will know that wuantity is not quality. The law of diminishing returns means that after a few good hits additional hits will just
waste pot and put people to sleep. Wait a few good hits and then offer a "refresher" bong hit once everyone's buzz starts to wear off.

#39/2 While stoners can be obnoxious , they all to often labelled as "bad stoner's "' . This unfairly derisive term means that
a stoner acts like a wierdo while stoned . It's very uncool to blame some stoners goofy behaviour on the fact
that he/she's stoned because it's to easy to make a stoner self-concious( and that sucks )
It's much better to allow everyone to enjoy the herb in there own way and try not to be to judgemental of others .
The best attitude to have is to relax and enjoy the company and the surroundings .
Bud is finicky that way - every experienced stoner knows that you should be in a good mood when stoning .

#40 Do not bring other friends around , or yourself , Who smoke and don't throw in their fair share of cash .
You have to contribute if you are going to hit that shit.

#41 NEVER pinch the bag , this is a fersure way to get completely ostracized out of any social circle .
Sadly lots of people do this , and yes even your good friends .......................................................
#33 / 2 FUCK UP ROTATION . EVER . You have to make sure blunt/bong is in constant motion .
Moving from 1 person to the next , seamlessly . Do not cause pandemonium and stress amongst the inner circle .

This is the one that pisses me off the most! and don't leave the smoke circle until your done. Don't jump in and out either your IN or your OUT!