if the guy who you guys a betting on gets caught trust he will rat all of you out.. for a reduced sentince...... .... i can hear him right now....... "wait, what if i tell you guys about other bigger grows"
- just be safe dawg
in the artical .. they were also growing off site
com'on man lets not turn into monday night quarterbacks
you can never be too safe... and they grow in a non legal city
the cops where in plain cloths and in unmaked cars....
and who looks out side there window, from there condo tring to remimber every car.. on a buzy chicago street .... pluss he was a weed smoker
true fact you "MIGHT" do all of that... but everyone can get got ... when you live the life we live, you can never be to safe
even being on this site is a chink in the armour... if you are as paranoid as you make a caim to.. then you would never even be on a site like this.......
anyways.. everyone breaks rule 1... and if you tell me you dont, im telling you , you do.... there's someone you told about your grow... you've shown someone.....