store guy tells me happy frog is same as light warrior just less this true

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
I just bought a bag of light warrior for the first time, it has a lot of perlite in it, so you may be right, not sure though.


Active Member
They are pretty similar from what i just read light warrior has something in it that is good for germing seeds but other than that kind of the same but i don't think the perlite makes them different.
Edit: Its humic acid for the germing.


New Member
yeah hfrog should have that too. store guy tells me lw is really just air fluffed happy frog. he said add perlite to hf and it will last longer than lw and is the same shit. which is better?

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
the light warrior is damn good for is veryyy fluffy and light like you said. I cant get a feel for how good it holds water though?

tea tree

Well-Known Member
no. light warrior is also used as a soiless media it is so much peat and without any nutes gut the gentlest, worm castings with a 1-0-0 and used mostly for the beneficial microbes. Happy frog is a soil with less peat moss compostion and more fert, even batguano. It is a full on soil, true tho they do sell a soil conditioner to beef it up. Just use what the labels say to. Light warrior goes a long way to start seedlings. A bag lasts forever. Or go to lowes and buy some seed starting mix for 2 bucks.

that guy was just trying to save you some money. when you sell all that you all the ways you can cut corners. They work but always an easier way.

Lightwarrior sure is beautiful mix tho.