Storing weed for 3 months?

If a small amount of weed is stored in a ziploc for 3 months and it looks ok after all this time (just a bit dryer and noticeably less smelly), is it still all right to smoke it or to make edibles out of it? My natural tendency would be to say yes, as dried herbal teas can be stored for over 1-2 years and be fine to drink, so I can't see any reason for weed not to be ok to consume after a few months, if it has no mold on it. But I thought it'd be wiser to check with you...

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i'm assuming you bought it rather than grew it based on the fact that it's in a bag. it should thrill you to know that the weed could have been stored for months even before you bought it. a lot of people cure their weed longer than 3 months.

so yeah. smoke that shit. it's fine.


Well-Known Member
It can last years if stored correctly. Lots of folks seal in jars or vacuum sealed bags in a cool, dark place to avoid thc degradation


Well-Known Member
yep its fine, as long as no mold...

so one could say... you've got the green light to light the green... ;)
Thanks to everybody for your replies.

Yes, it was bought, I'm not a grower. It really looks fine, it doesn't look moldy or smell moldy. It just got dryer and the smell is not that strong as it was 3 months ago. So I think I'm in for a good time :)