Story Time.....


Well-Known Member
Been a member on this forum for just over a year. I've been growing regularly for about 18 months now, with only one grow before that about 6-7 years ago. The first grow is what the story is about.

Never grown before, but decided I wanted to grow after coming across a crop king seeds ad. So i ordered some Northern Lights auto, hit amazon prime up for a tent and a blurple. Quick google search later, and fox farms trio was what I was gonna get. Ocean Forest wasn't far behind that search. Less than a month later, I had my first plants breaking the ground. I was excited, yet a little scared in the back of my head. Wasn't legal here yet.

Got things going, plants starting to look good. Had a few close friends see the plants, and immediately wanted some when it was done.

NL Plant 1 01-17-16.jpg

This is what they saw back then.
So vibrant....absolutely no moving air. To this day, im still not sure why i didn't get bud rot that first time. But to be honest, if I might not have known any better.

About a month later than that picture was taken......I was convinced the plant was ready..... Not to sound like im on repeat, but at this point I had not found RIU. Or really did any real research other the the "bro-science" articles/YouTube videos I came across So I chopped her down. Dried her at, honestly i have no clue what humidity or temp. Put it in jars when I thought it was ready.

At this point, my friends had already laid out there money to buy it from me. Prior to it even being done.

So about a week after jarring, I decided to give it a try before I handed out the prizes to all my friends. Packed my favorite glass bowl, you know the one that gives you the best flavor. Hit that bowl........That first hit, of my first plant grown. My head gets almost instantly cloudy.... In my head Im almost the highest ive ever been........... But there is something missing. Something that I've felt so many times before puffing on that green i got from my plug, or whatever the kids are calling the weedman nowadays....There is zero body high. The weirdest high I have ever felt in my life. It really wasn't pleasant without the body.

I still gave it to my friends....and tried to give their money back, but they insisted. They regretted it, with most saying "thats the weirdest high i've ever had, all head zero body"

I know its taken along time to get to this point in the story, but thank you for hanging in there. But the point im trying to make, is I am HIGH AS HELL from my own weed right now, that I learned from this group to wait longer. I see so many posts on here, where people seem to get upset when members tell them, they need 2 more weeks. It may look ready, smell ready and be the juciest buds you have ever seen...... But trust me, when you think they are done....they probably aren't. Just because they stopped apparently growing, or no more white hairs or I SEE AMBER ITS TIME TO CHOP. Its probably not time.

The people in this group, albeit sometimes ass's and trolls(that I have grown to love about this group) have been growing a collectively long time. From what i have learned in the last year from this group, would take notebook after notebook to fill up. Everyone here grows different. Sometimes ever so slightly different, so you have to sometimes read through the lines to get exactly the info you need for your particular grow. But the info is always there and 95% correct. There is still some outliers, that have successful grows outside the norm and great for them. But every grow is different. Learn from your mistakes. Read here, and learn from others mistakes. Fucking up isn't bad as long as your learn something in the process.

And to everyone at RIU Thank You from the bottom of my heart for the lessons....the learns....the occasional maths... and the laughs..

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And love your signature. Lost both my parents to cancer. Finally got up the courage today, to see the doctor about a skin issue, that im 99% sure is a form of cancer. Yeah.... "- f%*k cancer - "
Yea man it's tough, I lost 2 family members to Cancer this year alone. I resisted seeing a doctor too.. anyway I'm just glad you got the courage to go man, please follow through! Awesome thread though man, love the positivity!
Yea man it's tough, I lost 2 family members to Cancer this year alone. I resisted seeing a doctor too.. anyway I'm just glad you got the courage to go man, please follow through! Awesome thread though man, love the positivity!
Lost my dad on December 15th of last year to cancer. Was my wifes birthday, she passed in 2014. Not from cancer....Thank god.. But I know how/what you are feeling.