Strain issues.


Well. First off, what's up all? Good to be here. Some background first. I'm not a noob. Lol. Been smoking the dankest nuggets for a good 5 years. My county(in florida) was in High Times for the most kids smoking weed per person but anyways. We've got the dank. Sooooooooo I've always had this issue with telling the difference between when I smoke ANY type of nug I'm just "high" I ain't no couch lock if its indica; and don't feel anymore stimulated if I smoke a sativa. Like someone could hand me two TOTALLY DIFFERENT strains (one indica one sativa) and if I was blind folded while smoking I wouldn't be able to tell after I'm unblindfolded (pretty sure that's not a after the high sets I just feel "high" (the same feeling everytime)

Now, my theory is either A) the way cannabis effects MY individual brain. Or B) since its illigal its always a hybrid strain....but like still...I can have some fully ass sativa looking nug (even tho that's not always true that it has to be fluffy) and some dense dank ass funky looking indica and can't tell the difference between the two types of "highs"

Honestly, I think it may be my brain idk...any ideas would be nice. And please don't respond being like "indicas like a couch lock high, ect" rofl...thanks, and toke up pals.

SOUTH FLORIDA DANK. And if you guys haven't seen the movie "what if cannabis cured cancer" and "run from the cure"
meditation in a nice peaceful area outdoors bring out the high, try that, if that dont work then idont know what to tell you. ithink alot more on sativas -spiritual, clean up, think about my life, enjoy nature and people type high. indicas make me wanna sit on the couch n watch cartoons, dea, and music videos all day with a gallon of strawberry icecream
uhh, Well im 22 & a vet smoker myself here from cali home of the best bud on the planet. I can tell you, you should certainly be able to tell a potent sativa from a potent indica blindfolded.. without even smoking it, the smell alone will tell. so I dunno whats up with florida but take a trip and ill get you high & youll feel it.
yah, i'm thinking that you simply haven't smoked a pure indica or a pure or close to pure sativa.. i assure you that if you were to get your hands on a lovely say vietnamese black and smoked that, than after that wore off i handed you a joint of some hindu kush or hashplant, you'd sure as shit know which was the sativa and which was the indica.. there's on way that you couldn't..
i'm guessing what you've been smoking has been mostly hybrids and you're feeling both effects at the same time which is fucking you up and not knowing if it's sat or indi..
smoke some haze, or some thai, or landrace mexicana

then smoke some afghan, or skunk

after you wake up from the coma you get from any good indica pheno skunk/afghan you should get a better understanding how different they can be.
most hybrids mask one or the other, from my experiences with crosses, sativa traits seems to be dominant over indicas.
Lol "after you wake from your coma".....but ya. Everything here is basically a hybrid and I don't have the selection you all have in cali since its still straight up illigal so that's prolly the problem....looks like I need to move from fl since its filled with a bunch of ignorant old grampa ass politicians that the pharm. Companies have in their pockets.

Thanks for the feed back all ;D now I don't feel AS stupid
not even a big deal, odds are you smoked almost every kind of weed, like autoflowers, i know alot of people who dont even smoke indica strains and they think auto's are indicas since they have the same or close to cbd levels of potent indicas, only until recently could you get your hands on some auto's that gave you a sativa high.
Autos are not as POTENT as Regular Plants
not even a big deal, odds are you smoked almost every kind of weed, like autoflowers, i know alot of people who dont even smoke indica strains and they think auto's are indicas since they have the same or close to cbd levels of potent indicas, only until recently could you get your hands on some auto's that gave you a sativa high.