I never thought Blueberry "blew" cheese! You got the wrong cheese!
Although, the Muffin cut is still in my stable.....
That's kind of an objective question! What about strains traded by "undergrounders"..... Then you have regional strains that pop up in the NW or all the time in Colorado...Quality breeding is really taking off!
So then, that's next to impossible to say! Umm, I know of some P-91 coming out in a limited limited S1 release.....maybe a re-release of 21 cookies would make me pull the trigger on seeds at $50 a bean......other shit, I prefer to trade for.
In reality, and unfortunately ,,, It'll be something that shows up in a High Times issue on the "strongest strains", and all the novice world will seek it out to the ends of their limited internet ability to find it! Can you say "Ghost Train Haze"?
So many of these tend to come out as being overrated....
Answer will be - Who fucking knows? Guess we'll see, won't we!