Well-Known Member
Son of a bitch....
I've been noticing some strange calyx formations on my GHSC Trainwreck (only plant grown under 600W, DWC, 4 weeks into flower), odd shovel looking shapes. I've been seeing em for awhile now, start they where simply starting to swell up, but just tonight I noticed one that appeared to have an opening on the side (sort of like what you see with mature seeded buds) and a small light colored green thing inside. I yanked it off (I wanted to get it off in one piece to post a pic, but it is no easy task to remove these things) and sure enough there is what appears to be an immature seed (actually seeds, read further down...) in it, small oval light colored egg shape.
My pistils have been turning brown for days on certain buds (interestingly the strange ones have white pistills), which seemed to coincide perfectly with a milk spray for PM and I've heard of foliar sprays causing pistils to die back and amber up so I wasn't worried. I've seen these strange calyxes for about 10 days now, and they didn't worry me until I found that one with the opening and saw the contents.
Now, why am I making this crazy long post and ruining everyone's night (seriously, how many users saw the size of this and simply back paged...)? Well, I found another post where someone mentioned all calyxes have embryonic seeds inside (of course they should...makes perfect sense as they can't simply be empty sacks with two pistils leading to nowhere, now can they?) and he showed a pic of what he found in his (others found nothing in theirs...) and it looks damn similar. Is it possible I'm wrong about her getting pollinated?
For the record, pollination would have to have been through herming and the only thing that could have stressed the plant would be some defoliation on the bottom (the bottom of the plant is in rough shape...can't figure out why), otherwise I have loved this thing like it is my own flesh and blood. Also, I have searched through the entire thing with a jeweler's loop and can't find anything even remotely resembling male parts, mind you, the plant is fucking huge and I've heard pollen sacks can hide inside of buds, so I'm not ruling it out. The plant isn't in the room by itself, I have a small L.S.D. in there (I can't believe how resistant this strain is to the PM, I've had infected leaves touching the L.S.D's and it still has not contracted the condition) and this plant's pistils are perfectly white with no signs of these "seeded" calyxes.
Lastly, the calyxes is question are damn strange looking. They four pistils (as well as four of these immature seeds or whatever the hell they are) coming from them and yanking them open is like peeling an onion, they seem like calyxes forming inside of each other. I've heard GHSC's Trainwreck has some distinctive calyxes (large), is it even remotely possible that she isn't preggers?
I know nobody here can really answer that question and certainly not without see it. I will get a pic up tomorrow, I'm too heartbroken to do it tonight. Regardless of her gender I don't plan on killing her, I wouldn't turn away any future children I might have simply because they are sexually confused...
In the interim, I have a HUGE favor to ask. As I said, I found another post where some people had things in their 100% unpollinated calyxes and other people found nothing. Would anyone out there with a plant 4 week into flower be so kind as to sacrifice one of their plants larger calyxes and tell me what you find in it?
Thanks guys.
I've been noticing some strange calyx formations on my GHSC Trainwreck (only plant grown under 600W, DWC, 4 weeks into flower), odd shovel looking shapes. I've been seeing em for awhile now, start they where simply starting to swell up, but just tonight I noticed one that appeared to have an opening on the side (sort of like what you see with mature seeded buds) and a small light colored green thing inside. I yanked it off (I wanted to get it off in one piece to post a pic, but it is no easy task to remove these things) and sure enough there is what appears to be an immature seed (actually seeds, read further down...) in it, small oval light colored egg shape.
My pistils have been turning brown for days on certain buds (interestingly the strange ones have white pistills), which seemed to coincide perfectly with a milk spray for PM and I've heard of foliar sprays causing pistils to die back and amber up so I wasn't worried. I've seen these strange calyxes for about 10 days now, and they didn't worry me until I found that one with the opening and saw the contents.
Now, why am I making this crazy long post and ruining everyone's night (seriously, how many users saw the size of this and simply back paged...)? Well, I found another post where someone mentioned all calyxes have embryonic seeds inside (of course they should...makes perfect sense as they can't simply be empty sacks with two pistils leading to nowhere, now can they?) and he showed a pic of what he found in his (others found nothing in theirs...) and it looks damn similar. Is it possible I'm wrong about her getting pollinated?
For the record, pollination would have to have been through herming and the only thing that could have stressed the plant would be some defoliation on the bottom (the bottom of the plant is in rough shape...can't figure out why), otherwise I have loved this thing like it is my own flesh and blood. Also, I have searched through the entire thing with a jeweler's loop and can't find anything even remotely resembling male parts, mind you, the plant is fucking huge and I've heard pollen sacks can hide inside of buds, so I'm not ruling it out. The plant isn't in the room by itself, I have a small L.S.D. in there (I can't believe how resistant this strain is to the PM, I've had infected leaves touching the L.S.D's and it still has not contracted the condition) and this plant's pistils are perfectly white with no signs of these "seeded" calyxes.
Lastly, the calyxes is question are damn strange looking. They four pistils (as well as four of these immature seeds or whatever the hell they are) coming from them and yanking them open is like peeling an onion, they seem like calyxes forming inside of each other. I've heard GHSC's Trainwreck has some distinctive calyxes (large), is it even remotely possible that she isn't preggers?
I know nobody here can really answer that question and certainly not without see it. I will get a pic up tomorrow, I'm too heartbroken to do it tonight. Regardless of her gender I don't plan on killing her, I wouldn't turn away any future children I might have simply because they are sexually confused...
In the interim, I have a HUGE favor to ask. As I said, I found another post where some people had things in their 100% unpollinated calyxes and other people found nothing. Would anyone out there with a plant 4 week into flower be so kind as to sacrifice one of their plants larger calyxes and tell me what you find in it?
Thanks guys.