Strange, indescribable plant growth and leaf

So, I popped two Nirvana AK-48 seeds a couple of weeks ago (~9/27) and kept them 24/0. Thought they were doing fine, until one of them seemed to just...shrivel? And the other one was growing robustly when it suddenly started yellowing.

Details of my grow are in this thread:

Since those pictures, we have changed the set up to 3 CFLs hanging above each plant and taking the reflectors off. We had planned to put aluminum foil around the walls but haven't gotten to it yet. Also, the drawers in the cabinet had to be taken out so that the lights could hang on the track. So there were two open spaces in the cabinet (not sure if that could be a factor).

What is happening? I haven't fed them or anything yet. When I PH tested the runoff of my tap water and the soil I'm using, it consistently read around 6.2.

First two pictures are of the bigger, yellowing leaf plant. The third is the strange looking one.



Active Member
What soil/nutes are you using?
The top 2 look like over fert.
the bottom one looks like sulfur deficiency
as far as i can tell anyways.


Well-Known Member
IMO the first one looks like it's hungry...

and the second looks burnt how close to the light did you have it? How hot is it in there?
I haven't fed either at all actually, I was going to wait a bit longer (heard that it was most wise to wait until they start flowering?). And the second one...I've always had the lights about 1-2 inches away so i'm not sure how it could have gotten burned. The only thing i can think of is maybe someone accidently watered it with hot water? Maybe? Idk.
If the second one is sulfur deficient how should I correct it?


Well-Known Member
If you haven't fed them, but then again it sounds like you're not the only one doing so..:neutral: it's very unlikely that they have nute burn. What kind of soil are you using? Most soils, unless they have time release nutes in them, only have enough fert to feed a plant for the first 3 maybe 4 weeks. Then you'll need to start feeding them.

On the first one I still say she is hungry, it looks like a Nitrogen deficiency to me. Here's a description...

I've also attached a Sulfur deficiency description. Doesn't look like the problem to me...


Well-Known Member
burnt is when people don't know what the problem is so they use this as a generic answer.

chemical problems in the medium is the real answer. could be EC too low (not enough nutes), could be EC too high (too much nutes/time release fertilizers), could be pH off, could be that one element locks out the others (too much K, Ca, or others).

Well-Known Member
that bottom pic looks like heat stress... having a CFL too close can definitely stunt growth and cause shriveled tips. give it some time and it should turn around.

As my thread states, I'm using Sunshine organic planting mix. I will try feeding the bigger plant today, but the CFLs are not that close to the smaller plant (about 3 inches min.)


Active Member
I still say over fert - Not to Burn stage yet on the top - due to dark green leaves on remainder of plant which is usually caused by too much N. but that may be due to lighting from picture also.

If you give it nutes (I would do weak mix) and it perks up then voila, if not flush and you still have your culprit.


Active Member
Anyone notice that light is orange?

Looks like you have a few problems there. I would replace the cfl you have now with 2 5000-6700k cfls twice at far away as the one you have now. First order of biz is always to make sure the pH of your water is on target (6.0-6.5 is best for soil). If there is no improvement then investigate deficiencies.
Started feeding a light diet of organic tomato food, but I also realized I may have been watering completely incorrectly. I had been watering ~.0625 liters every day, as I assumed that was normal. I then I read the Buds for Less book (see original thread) and saw that they watered seedlings with 2 liters of water! I'm very surprised, since neither plants exhibited signs of under-watering...but now it makes me wonder what other kinds of problems this could be since the water was probably never sufficient enough to saturate roots all the way through the soil.

That said, does that explain the symptoms I'm seeing this thread?

Also, the smaller plant is really weird; while it has the same/similar stem girth, the whole plant is just generally smaller. Is this entirely due to heat stress? Still looking for explanations for this.

Anyway, today I decided to start watering the correct amounts. The bigger plant I am going to give around 2 liters (starting off by increasing the amounts incrementally, normally I think such plants are given up to 3 liters) and the little one around 1.5.


First three show smaller plant, dont know what's going on there. Fourth shows growth of the bigger one since I last posted, I THINK that it is better after feeding (no new dead leaves as i can tell, only ones falling off that were already yellow before).


Well-Known Member
two liters a day for seedlings? that's crazy

You must have misread. what you are giving also sounds like way too much. These plants don't look good, the first three pics. Though it looks like genetics fuck up more than anything.