Strange issue with leaf brown spots in middle of leaves. Need some advise.


Hey guys. I have three girls about 4 weeks into flower. All under one 600w light. All using the same fully organic nutes.

I have one lemon haze. One blueberry. One hawaiian snow. The blueberry is strong and beautiful. The other two are showing odd symptoms.

The lemon haze doesn't concern me as much. The leaves are curling down on the sides. Not down on the tips only or upwards. They're curling down, which is super strange to me. It's the smallest of the three and also the slowest flowerer. This one doesn't concern me too much,I'll let the soil medium dry out a bit and water down the nutes and see what happens. I didn't take any pics of this one because its not a huge concern. However, if you have any suggestions. I'd love to hear them.

The big concern is my hawaiian snow. It's yellowing lots. Not nearly as green as the other two and the leaves are developing brown spots in the middle of the leaves. It's happening all over and it's getting worse.

All thee plants are in the exact same environment and all are being grown the exact same. All are also the same age and have been flowering the same time. I've never checked the ph of the organic solution but today I did buy a ph tester pen and I did test the run off at the base of the plant from yesterday's feeding and it was 7.5. However it had been sitting in the base for over 24 hours so I didn't take it as fully accurate.

Their nutes right now are
ej bloom. Grow. Catalyst. Microblast. Hi brix. Hygrozyme. CalMg.

Sorry for the bad quality picture. Wait. It won't let me upload. I'll try tomorrow from my pc. For now. Imagine a leaf with brown spots towards the center. Not on the edges or tips.

Let me know what you think it is. I took this picture last night and it was of one of the worse looking leaves.



Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good place to start is to get your PH down. Have you been adding any Cal/Mag to your water as this is a problem with soil grows? I would recommend getting a soil test kit to really get an understanding of what your soil is lacking or has too much of. You can get a good kit for $25 on Amazon and they are worth it. The other plants might not be as sensitive to nutrient levels as the snow. Good luck.

redeye jedi88

Active Member
well bad ph levels cause lockout which mimic deficiency's so you still wouldnt be able to tell with a picture, i commented on this because his/her ph is out and ive just overcome the same problem seems obvious to me


Hey guys

I really appreciate the input. What is a soil test kit? I haven't done much research on these.

I mixed up a new batch of Earth Juice with distilled water and after 5 minutes of bubbling it was at a ph below 4. So ill check it tonight after 24 hours.

What i'm worried about is that adding a PH up or down will hurt/kill the microbe life in the tea. Its super hard to get organic / earth juice natural PH up or down here in Canada but i was told that the normal PH up / down wouldnt affect anything to much.

What i find strange is that of three strains - all under the exact same growing circumstances - this is only happening to one plant.

redeye jedi88

Active Member
im having exact same problem aswell i have 3 on the go now and 1 is affected and that one has a low ph the other 2 are fine under exact same conditions ive added lime to my soil so hopefully will get better in a week or so
Some strains are very sensitive and some strains could care less. It seems yours is sensitive. PH should be 6.5 use Cal-Mag at every watering if you don't already use it. Get your PH down to 6.5 and use Cal-Mag this should solve your problem as long as you are using a good nutrient line with all the proper micro and macro nutrients.