Strange looking seedling (pics)

It looks green, the stem is strong as hell and it's developed 2 more tiny leaves, but one of the main leaves is standing straight and still looks like it's part of the stem.
She was propagated and has been under 5000k flourescents since sprouting, but she never quite straightened out.
I figured it might be because the light was slightly to the side so I raised it to be directly above the seedling, only time will tell.

Any ideas?


Very glad to hear that. How long before I can expect the second leaf to stretch out?
I won't be able to rest until it does.


Active Member
The next leaf may never do it but she will keep growing and developing. So relax n go sit with her and blaze one up. She will enjoy every exhale just as you enjoy each inhale. Gotta return the goodies!


Active Member
Oh BTW I'm high as hell not crazy I hope hahaha. A .5 of headband mixed with a .5 of Sweet tooth. Yummy!


Well-Known Member
It's perfectly normal; nothing to worry about. Is this your first time growing? I'm not insulting you, I'm genuinely curious.


Well-Known Member
The next leaf may never do it but she will keep growing and developing. So relax n go sit with her and blaze one up. She will enjoy every exhale just as you enjoy each inhale. Gotta return the goodies!
No, she won't.. never smoke in the grow room.. unless you want to jack with the plant stomata and cause issues.
Update, the leaves are both spread and it's looking healthy but it's growing way too tall.
I thought I knew enough to get started but apparently my CFL lights were way too far away (2 feet)
I've moved them way closer (3 - 4 inches) and turned off my propagater (which has melted away anyway).
Hopefully she will grow out instead of upward now.
You live you learn, hopefully at $20 a seed I'll dodge a bullet.


Active Member
if she over stretches u can take a empty toilet paper roll and stick it over top of hear and give her something to lean on until she gets stronger and can support her self.

or u can simply add more dirt and use that to hold her up. fluorescent lights should be no more then 3" away. mine are so close they kinda growing around my light bulbs.
I moved the lights down to about 1.5 inches away, overnight the thing has become a different plant.
Straighter, more leaves, greener. Shoulda done more research on lights.
Input appreciated. I moved my baby to a new area. Does the light angle look ok? IMG_5010.jpg
Those are 28w CFL bulbs.
I'm hoping she will grow outwards and stop going up.
I'm feeling the soil to make sure it's moist. I normally water once every 2 days.
How am I doing?