Strange plant growth


Well-Known Member
So Im new to growing guys but read up a ton before just growing but heres the story. I had planted some bagseed I got and i Just put it outside I noticed to was growing ( it was in a little bucket ) I put it under some cfls. Well im confused I just want to know if im wasting my time here guys I have some pics. Also I wanted to point out that she has some leaves hanging whats up with that!!:shock:

Side note..

Ph run off - 6.8 ish
Ph'd water though at first it was shitty tap with 8+:wall: ... didnt know
lighting.. Cfls = 2 60 equivalents 3 100 equivs and on top I have one 2 40 watt 6500k I also have seedlings of some bagseed as well around under the same lighting. Im switching to dual spectrum for flower with adding 250 watt hps
Soil - dont know if a problem but vigro from home depot.. its some organic potting soil.. had some problems with gnats though replanted though..

temp varies its stays under 88 though. with two box fans usually one blowing around and one sucking or blowing cooler air in... Any ideas guys?

Oh and one more thing I just started bagseed just for the hell of it I ordered better strains ( pinneapple express, papaya, and two others forgot..)

1 pic is 2 weeks earlier
2 side view of where i topped the plant
3 where im concerned about the leaves dropping out and down like that.

Any help would be appreciated guys much thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
Might it need to be watered? it looks good, just a little droopy...Just lift the pot..if it is light and feels empty then water it...if it has some heft to it, then leave it alone.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes the leaves come out slightly deformed.. It's just a genetic thing, and it isn't usually related to any variable so not much you can do.. If it you see the same problem further on then maybe it's time for concern, as of the moment I'd say just let her grow, and she'll be fine hopefully. Don't do anything that you wouldn't normally do, keep it growing as it is! Good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys I'll let her be and see what she tells me. So what about nutes should I get some even though I have slow release soil or can I still feed her? I have tried looking everywhere for that answer but I'm stumped on if i can feed even with slow release.


Well-Known Member
Oh and more likely than not watering just gave her good watering till water came out the drain holes (slightly)