Strange smell off my bud

Hey guys, relative newbie here. I harvested a plant 2 weeks ago and have been drying and curing it. During veg and at the start of flower I used BioBizz Fish Emulsion nutes. I gave it water only for around 3-4 weeks before I harvested as I couldn't get any more suitable nutes for flower. I didnt do a "proper" flush where you run lots of water through the soil as I was using crappy soil that traps lots of water and I was afraid I might over water it.

Now that my bud is curing in jars I notice a strange smell from the buds. Its hard to describe, I don't think it smells like fish emulsion. Any idea what it might be? do you think my bud isn't properly flushed, how can I tell?

Ty for reading.
Yeah that was my understanding, thank you. The buds were hung up to dry for a week and have now been curing for a week but still have the strange smell. Do you think the strange smell will go away once I cure longer? it smells nothing like the buds did on the plant. I'm about to harvest a second plant and I'm worried the same thing could happen to it too.


Well-Known Member
Might help if you described the smell. If it is grasslike or heylike, totally normal and will go away with cure.