Strange White Spots on Leaf Tips Only

Dr. Dakota

New Member
995763_546399832076213_251309227_n.jpg Hey there, so I've noticed these small white specks/splotches on the very tips of my leaves. I have absolutely no idea what they or if they are even

harmful. Would one of you guys help me out? I can provide other pics/info if needed. (Outdoor Grow)


Well-Known Member
take a very close look on the underneath sides of the leaves. If you see teeny black specs looking like dirt just sit there and watch them. A good method is to check how close it is to the vein of the leaf and then just wait, and if you think it moves, its most likely you have spider mites.
another thing you could do is use a 20-40x magnifying glass

Dr. Dakota

New Member
Damn I was hoping I ruled out mites because of the order of the spots. I do notice little black dots, but they don't seem to be moving. They aren't particularly close to the stem though. They might even be specs of dirt I think. I do only have a 10x though.