Stressed male growing female flowers


Active Member
I have something very interesting to show everyone that I have never heard of before. It makes sense when you think about it, but it is not talked about. What I am referring to is a Male Plant growing Female Flowers.

Back Story:
I have 2 White Label Double Gum plants started from seed. I am in my 4th week of flowering (after 4 weeks veg). I have 1 male and 1 female. I figured that I would keep the male in check and collect pollen (while selectively making some seeds with the female). Once I had enough pollen stored (thanks to fdd's tutorial), I chopped all the pollen sacks off the male and left him under 12/12 with the female. He started to grow more branches, starting from the bottom, and on these new branches I started to see both male and female flowers. By the way, the female has no pollen sacks and there have been no light leaks. The only stress to the male was castration (including whole main cola).

What does this mean:
We all know stress to a female can make her herm and produce pollen sacks, however, I have never read about a male herm to produce female flowers. I am on my first grow and might be telling you something you know, but I have not read about it and I read alot before starting.

Since using a female produced pollen sack to make seeds (when done right) will produce feminized seeds, will I be able to make male only seeds? (I will test this, but it will be a while)

Is this something that anyone else has experienced?

And of course pics are a must, so they are attached! I also have a pic of the female's main stem/cola.



Well-Known Member
you cannot make male only seeds. and i'm sorry to tell you this but that plant wasn't a male. male plants will not flower. you cannot stress them into growing buds. it was a severely hermied female at most. its just not possible. sorry.