Stretching Solution?


Active Member
While awaiting the arrival of my growbox I decided to germinate the seeds I had (three G-13 Haze). I should have only had to have them under a 23W CFL for about four days but one decided to rocket up like madwoman (hopefully).

Because I still had a dome over the top of the tray for the other two, I couldn't get the CFL close enough so one of the seedlings has some stretching going on. It's to the point where I had to support the plant because the first set of leaves getting too large and it was looking very top heavy.

I have a fan blowing on them and the light is about an inch away. With the delay of my growbox arrival I'm picking up a 120W CFL to help them out but I'm worried about the one that's stretched. I know one solution, if you're growing in soil is to transplant the plant so it's much deeper in the soil. Since I'm in rockwool I was wondering if I could tear apart a cube and wrap it around the stalk, that way it would support the plant a bit better. It's only at the base of the stalk where the problem is, the top of the plant is pretty robust.

Any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
I'm curious what the experienced will say because I got some wicked stretch with my seedlings post-germination even though they were in a greenhouse. When I moved them to pots, I just planted them deeper (like you would a tomato plant), almost to the two baby leaves and they all seem to be fine - I worried though because I didn't want the stems to rot or something, but so far, so good. I'll be watchin' your thread though. Thanks for the good question.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
that solution should work, worth a try anyways.. its a little tougher situation in rockwool than soil but the seedling will need some support if it's stretched.

joe- a buried stem will act almost like a cutting/clone in soil.. it shouldn't rot


Active Member
I was also considering scrapping the sides of the stalk and dabbing some rooting solution on there... then wrapping it with moist rockwool :P

If anyone would like to comment on that if they've tried it :P It might allow the seedling to turn the stalk into root and increase intake :P