strings in your garden?


can someone please explain to me the point of running strings throughout your garden? I just don't really know what its called or its purpose.

thanks dawgs!:joint:
It is lst (low stress training). You can tie down your top to create multiple tops, spread your branches out more for better light penetration, and I'm sure people use it in other ways. I'm a first timer and tied down the top on a big plant I had, and I must say it was by far the best idea I had. The light penetration is waaaay better, and now I have a nice even canopy of tops from one plant. You can check it out in my signature link if you like. Think the most recent pics are on page 5
also if it grows to the greenhouse roof you can tie and pull it and just to fill the room or greenhouse here and there. Indoors you only have a certain space that you work with so its more important. the other thing is pruning so a shorter plant doesnt get overshadowed by the next one. Even canopy and equal light. look out if you notice insect pests traveling on the string. Green uni gro tape is better camouflaged than white string, green or brown string would work, nursery should have it.
I dont think he is talking about LST, I think he is asking About SOG.. Maybe he can ask the question better,