Struck Mute


Well-Known Member
Religion brings out the best in all of his creatures.......!
There is one good thing at least their not suicide bombers


Well-Known Member
Within 30 seconds, I had my hands covering my eyes. I continued to watch the rest through the gaps between my fingers. Horribly compelling viewing.


Well-Known Member
I sent it to my mom, my dear old conservative Christian technology accepting (but not liking) mom. Her response was "OMG! They said the "N" word! They really said it!"


Well-Known Member
Get That Man his Pimp Card!

he already has a Sista to stroll!

fuckin awesome, I cried I laughed so hard.

and that was not made with Sarcasm?


Well-Known Member
Here's a great local commercial, for those that didn't get their funk fill from that first video...
