Struggling to find a solution to Portable AC exhaust smell. Any advice appreciated.


New Member
Have a single hose Portable AC that sits in my 5x10 grow tent, that sits in a garage.

It takes in smelly weed air from in the tent, cools it, and exhausts weed smelling hot air directly outside.

I have a scrubber in the tent, doesn't seem to do much to stop the exhausted air from smelling.

Any tips?

I know I can't connect a carbon filter to the ac exhaust as any backpressure can ruin the coil in the AC and it might stop working.

Things I've considered:

-Connecting a carbon filter to an inline fan to the AC exhaust.
But I'm assuming there's some issues here as well?
Inline fan might not be powerful enough, the AC exhausted air might be too hot for the inline fan?

-Exhausting from the tent to the garage in which my tent sits, and exhausting out of the garage with several inline fan and filters to the outside world.
Some problems include hot garage, may need several inline fans to exhaust enough heat out to keep on top of what heat the ac is pumping out.

-exhausting the ac into a small box that has ONA gels inside so before it gets to the outside world, the ac exhaust flows over the ona gel?

-exhausting the ac into a box with two scrubbers that exhaust into the outside world?
Some problems that might have are the scrubbers in a sealed tight box with the hot ac exhaust might not work well or a fire hazard. ||

Does anyone have any suggestions? Im at my wits end.

Worst comes to worst I can cool the whole garage instead but i dont know if my portable AC is strong enough to cool an entire uninsulated garage.

Thanks everyone

I've got a hydrogen tri oxide generator in my tent, got it for powdery mildew but it takes care of weed smell too. You can't run it at the same time as a carbon filter.


Sage industries, AirROS

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Use a double hose a/c. They use exterior air to cool the coil. Plus u can use co2 with a double hose.
Single hose pulls air from the cooling space to cool the coil. It's a pretty lame idea
He's trying to use his existing unit. Get a sheet metal shop to build a reducer box with a round outlet for an 8" duct. Buy an 8" fan capable of running at variable speed. Push your used air outside through this going through a carbon filter and I would put another fan on the exhaust side of the canister. Or go from 8" round to 6" round into a 6" canister and then another reducer on the other side up to 8" again. This would be a Venturi effect rig. It would increase the speed just by the fan pushing the air through it.
He's trying to use his existing unit. Get a sheet metal shop to build a reducer box with a round outlet for an 8" duct. Buy an 8" fan capable of running at variable speed. Push your used air outside through this going through a carbon filter and I would put another fan on the exhaust side of the canister. Or go from 8" round to 6" round into a 6" canister and then another reducer on the other side up to 8" again. This would be a Venturi effect rig. It would increase the speed just by the fan pushing the air through it.
I get it, but by the time he's done trying to rig something and buying fans etc the op could just buy a double hose a/c and be done with it without the hassle and running around
Sorry there's no double hose a/c avaliable in my country
In that case I would go with your 2nd option; vent the ac into the garage. Use an inline fan with carbon filter to dump that heat out of the garage.
You can put the fan on a thermostat so it only runs when it gets to your desired temp
Is it possible to run the AC in the garage, but outside the tent? Rig some ducting taking in the air blowing from the AC into the tent? This way the AC is completely out of harms way. Or leave it in there, and get a couple extra exhaust fans & scrubbers to just run stand alone in the garage somewhere to scrub that air.
What if you build a box for your ac out of your 5x10 cut out a hole for the exhaust and one to a 4,6,8 inch into your ports..keep a separate port for exhaust of your filter